Friday, July 24, 2009

Dream Shore Duty Job

I noticed on the COMSUBPAC website that one of my old SOAC classmates had just taken what I always considered the best shore duty job in the whole Navy -- CO of the Deep Submergence Unit in San Diego.

I always figured that was the best job because 1) it was in San Diego, 2) it was important, and 3) I always imagined you could go several days without anyone from outside the command hassling you.

What do you think is the best shore duty job?


  1. Detailer. Flat best. And as the saying goes..."you get to reach into the cookie jar once."

  2. But doesn't your soul get destroyed when you reach into that particular cookie jar?

  3. CDO at CINCUSNAVEUR when it was still at 7 N. Audley St. in downtown London. It was shiftwork, but O-5 shiftwork. I and four other CDRs worked out our monthly watchbill amongst ourselves. I'd stand 12 or 13 12-hour watches a month, 99% of which were spent doing nothing but watching CNN, AFN, or the BBC and reading message traffic, waiting for something to happen (the other 1% is sheer madness, but oh well..). When I was not actually on watch, I was on liberty and HAD NO RESPONSIBILITIES WHATSOEVER.

    It was such a good deal the Navy had to shut down the entire HQ and ship everyone to that craphole called Naples to end it.

    Those were the days...

  4. Bubblehead: opinions vary on the soul-searing nature of detailer duty. My first wife said yes, my current one not so much.

    In my tour, I got to work with Lee Watkins, Larry Marsh, Weldon Koenig, Jim Van Suskil, Skip Bowman, and - just ran into him two nights ago for first time in 25 years - Captain Chris Kline, now off to be the NAT in India. These are best of best and it was a true privilege to serve with them.

    Detailer is a really great job that warps your mind forever.

    Oh, and the cookie jar? I never did get to reach in. The next job found me - didn't ask, didn't campaign, fiat accompli with no assist from watash.

  5. OPWACHEM on Ford Island. Easily the best job in the Navy. Once a month duty (unlock the doors), teach 2 weeks out of 6. And teach 4 days out of 10. No show up time, off by noon.

    Super sweet gig

  6. Dave just left here. He's a damn good guy and it was great working with him.I know he was excited about taking the command.

  7. Stash-ensign in Washington DC. No responsibility, lots of parties.

  8. Stash ensign just about anywhere. Academy was pretty good to me for two months post-grad. I worked in PT gear and if I was home at 1100 it was a long day.

  9. A couple of years ago I was a NTPI inspector and we were running a Regen exercise on a fast boat out of Pearl. I was going through PRP records and was reviewing a 1st Class Sonar Tech's service record.
    As I started reading his evals I saw that he had been at NAS Whidbey and in block 29 (primary duty) it said "Marina Attendant"
    As I read on in growing amazement it says "Responsible for the maintenance of 5 power boats and 10 sailboats. Teaching customers how to safely operate water craft they have rented." I had this young man brought to the wardroom so I could see him. When he came in I got up and bowed down to him and let him know that he was my hero for that day!!!!

    My best job was the 316 days I spent in an Army BN as their EWO
    at Iskan.

  10. OK educate us. What exactly is a Stash Ensign>

  11. A stash ensign is a newly-commissioned officer waiting for an opening in the training pipeline. The ensign gets "stashed" in some command.

  12. I agree with stash ensign anywhere. Odds are, it's the first time you've ever had real money and you have zero responsibility. I was only stashed for three weeks, but it was a great time that I still remember fondly. One day, my LT rolled in around 9am, said "I'm hungover, I'm going home. You can leave, too" and that was my whole day. Not a bad job at all.

  13. will some o-ganger explain to me why a CO would get this command and not a boat???is this because of poltics or bad fit reps. My weps on LaJolla 10yrs ago was CO on DSRV a couple of years ago and hasn't screened for O-6 the last 3 yrs???

  14. Like other MT3s, I had a choice of Bremerton or KB. I asked for Bremerton, because I'd heard it was more fun and the weather was considerably more mild than that of the south. Plus, Seattle wasn't too far away when we were in port.

    I just returned to the Pacific NW after going back to KB and learning new and wonderful things based on missile hydraulics & pneumatics, missile subsystems and some kind of new launcher system. I'd say more, but that "might be" a bad thing. As for a dream shore tour, I'm hoping to land a tour here. It's either that or go back to KB or Groton.

    I really want to stay in the NW, because the girls are fun and the pending duty will be easy as all hell. I even promised my detailer that I would behave and I'd stop paying all the girls I meet in the nudy bars across Puget sound to let me spank 'em and fuck 'em. I even told my Chief, I can't help but want to slap the rudder of a 20 yearold school girl when I see one...especially when she starts eye fuckin' me when I'm just trying to drink a beer in peace and watch the show.

    If I get to stay here in the Pacific NW, I promise to be good. I really mean that too. I've seen too many other guys sustain DUIs with Kitsap police and Seattle PD. The word "TAXI!!!!" comes to mind when I know we're going out to have a few.

    That reminds me, Any of my fellow jackasses who choose to imbibe a tit-bit too much in the wee hours of the AM would do well to have Troll's Tax # in their cell. (360) 478-8600. All drivers know where Bangor is. That simple thought will keep you out of Mast. Yeah Gents, it's a guarantee. A few of you miscreants read this blog as well. So you know whom I'm talking to.

    Nevertheless, if I could stay here for another 4 years, I wouldn't complain.

    MT1 WidgetHead

  15. My first day of duty as a stash ensign in Washington DC (Oct 1988): My orders had me report to BUPERS (located at the Navy Annex) where they confirmed my assignment to OP224 (at the Pentagon). I heard that there was some sort of protest going on that impacted the subway entrance to the Pentagon. No problem, I thought, I'll just walk from the Annex to to the Pentagon. So I and a few other people start walking and upon reaching the Pentagon we realized that the protest was much larger than we had heard. It seemed to surround the entire building.

    So here I was. I was in my uniform walking into the middle of a large protest. I was 22 and a number of protesters, seeing how young I was, asked me to join them (naturally they were the cute girl protesters). By this time, I and my fellow walkers were surrounded by a number of policemen who escorted up to an entrance. Just before we entered the building, a protester jumped in front of me. A cop grabbed him and dragged him into a room just as we entered the mall area. Once in, it was like nothing was happening outside. When I eventually reported to op224, I told the Captain about the protest. He had no idea that it was going on. And that was my first day on duty. It was such a great job...

  16. I had 3 shore duty jobs, Recruit Company Commander, Recruiter, and Prototype Leading Crew Chief.

    The best by far was Recruit Company Commander. It didn't hurt that it was in Orlando for sure, but the reality was the job. The hours are long, but the impact I had on young lives was worth every minute. I would have continued in that role for my entire career if the Navy would have left me.

    Now as for soul-destroying shore duty, NOTHING compares to recruiting duty. I feel like I needed 3 years of showers to cleanse my soul after THAT tour.

  17. Hey Rubbery D:
    Were you around Jim Von Suskil pre or post fender bender? people say he really changed afterwards.

  18. You mean AUGUSTA, right? Before.

    BTW, thought Jim was one of the best guys I served with. Regret he (and Brandhuber, another good guy) got off track to flag.

  19. Best Shore Duty? No contest: SSBN out of anywhere!

    My second best: Military Policeman in Subic Bay. A QM2 with a lot of power. Plus a lot, and I mean a lot, of fringe benefits.

    Ok, maybe I could swap those two around.

    Jim C.
    Ret. ANAV

  20. --My stash time, only a few weeks, wasn't fun: helping out the personal property office when the bases in Germany shut down and we were supporting all the Army guys coming to find out that all their stuff had been stolen or destroyed due to the bad movers they hired. Whole lot of not-fun for them, and it rubbed off.

    --Deep submergence at one time, I'm not saying now because I don't know, was the place for the COSS/XOSS with a potential shot at making the next rank as terminal. It's a good and important job, but anyone with illusions of making seven stars will be disabused of such notions.

    --Best so far was LT at CSG7, part of a small band of insurgents Making Things Happen. This one's pretty good too, although unaccompanied and wearing DCUs: watching this small band of JO insurgents Making Things Happen and keeping them out of trouble...

  21. Master Chief at the Historic Ship Nautilus when there are also two Senior Chiefs and a Chief in the crew of 27 . . . . .

  22. I'm sorry shipmates. I have the best shore duty in the Navy. Enlisted Aide to an Admiral.

  23. I had three shore duties in my entire career. Instrcutor Duty at NavSubTraCenPac Pearl Harbor, NavCruit Dist Portland, recruitign out of Salt Lake City, UT and Tri TraFac Bangor.

    I would have to say, the instructor duty was the best ever. NSTCP was fantastic and TTF was a blast.

    As for the recruiting duty, if I could have just dealt with the civilian population, it would have been outstanding, but having to deal with the idiot leadership made it the worse shore duty ever. 630-738 had it correct. You feel like you need a shower with a steel wool scrub down with orange pumice to get that feeling gone. Go see Pat Hrabe (ET1) website, and rerad his comic strips called "Join the Navy". He summs that duty up nicely..and he isn't even done with it yet!


  24. Ahh Eskan Village, I'll be drinking beer in Hell for the shit I participated in there ...

  25. Oh yeah, love the final word, duck!

  26. CAPT Deepdiver7/25/2009 12:31 PM

    Brandhuber was a surprise from you must have known a different person than I did. As CSP COS, he was a pretentious idiot who didn't survive thankfully. Maybe he changed at some time also!

  27. My shore duty assignments (3) were OK. Steam torpedo shop Subbase Pearl. Instructor duty Fleet Submarine Training Facility now NSTCP I believe. CSP Staff N-6121, retired from that job.

    Best TMC shore duty I know about was a FTG Pearl shipmate that made Chief when I did. The Judge at our initiation turned out to be our benefactor as TM detailer two years later.

    Detailer gave him shore duty assignment to Naval Advisory Group Taiwan. He told me some time later over a beer at the Chiefs Club in Yokosuka all he did was go around and inspect the torpedoes the Taiwan Navy had in storage in some out of the way caves near Kaoshung, attend the quarterly MWR meeting at a USAF Base near Taipai, and get lots of hookie-dookie. That billet was abolished about half way through his tour so the detailer transferred him to the Steam Torpedo Shop in Yokosuka. That was the best TM shore duty in WesPac. The shop employed former IJN Torpedomen to overhaul and maintain a stock of MK 14 torpedos. 1 TM billet in the shop for a TMC. You were done with paper work by 9:30 in the morning and the rest of the day was yours.

    Sigh.....those were the days.....

    Keep a zero bubble.........


  28. I have to agree about Brandhuber - I served under him while he was XO on the that time I had learned just to keep my head down and wait for EAOS, but from what I saw and heard, he was just a dick....

  29. engineer at dsu det unmanned vehicles


  30. capt deepdiver & pauljose:

    I worked with Bobby Brandhuber when he frequented my waterfront in command of SAN JOSE - good boat & excellent command tour - and as a neighboring O6 in command when he had the Nuke School in Orlando. From my perspective, all I saw was good.

    When a guy is the Numero Dos (XO; COS), he takes on the personality opposite of the Numero Uno. As one skipper put it, the boat can't stand two nice guys and the crew can't stand two hardasses. Or, as another skipper said to me (just after building a wayward JO a new one) "...sometimes you've just gotta be a prick."

  31. CINCUSNAVEUR 7 North Audley... that was THE best deal for an officer, bar none.

    And Rubber Ducky, once again I find myself agreeing with you! If you're in the DC area I'd love to buy you a beer and pick your brain for sea stories.

    Long-time lurker

  32. Long-time lurker:

    How 'bout shore stories?

    Be well. RD

  33. This is way off topic, but does anyone know anything about this story?

  34. Duck,
    Shore, sea, whatever! I just appreciate your elder submariner perspective!! No bullshit.

  35. I've got your elder hanging...

  36. Brandhuber was/is a prick. His greenville testimony displayed his true character

  37. My best shore duty was CSG-7 Sonarman. Tough job, but a lot of fun. Big Al was the Head Cheese when I reported.

    On the other hand, that job doesn't hold a candle to being an STS2 on the Barbel in the early 80's. Fantastic crew, better liberty and best of all, One screw, one crew. It wasnt' until I reported to the Honolulu as STSC that I was able to see just how good I had it on the Barbel.

  38. Ken in Yoko,

    I was the Ops Chief at CSG-7 during your time there.

    Jim Cortez

  39. I spent several weeks TAD working in Squadron, mostly worked a few hours and then went bowling for lunch. Usually didn't have to go back. Once in a awhile drove to pickup some guy from the airport in the "duty van".

    I don't want to make any specific complaints, but I think making negative comments about retired individuals is less than professional. Let's remember them for the good things they did, not the bad.

  40. I don't want to make any specific complaints, but I think making negative comments about retired individuals is less than professional. Let's remember them for the good things they did, not the bad.

    I'm retired, so I believe I can look at this from the proper perspective. My feeling it simple: If an individual left a negative legacy, that will be remembered, whether or not he did good. Keep that in mind as you interact with people. Take ADM Rickover for example. No question he forever changed the face of the Navy, but you can't enter a discussion about him without remembering that he was a complete SOB to deal with. That's his legacy, and to say otherwise is wrong.

  41. Seems to me that any job working for Big Al was the best shore job in the Submarine Force

    At least that was true in my case.

  42. Ken in Yoko..I agree. I always wanted that CSG-7 STS job. I think I know you! Does your last name start with an E and T? and you knew a guy named Franzen?

    I also was a STSC on the Honolulu from 96 to 99. Worse sub I ever served on! I was an Instructor at NSTCP where I think I knew you from! I was the trainer LPO from 1992 to 1995.

    Joe C.

  43. I've seen Eskan recently. It ain't exactly a party town these days; more like hunker down and be stuck behind the walls. Better than some more downrange spots like say forward of the Green Zone or anywhere downrange in the Stan, and nobody's shooting right now at us, but not that great nowadays.

    @RD: I once served on a boat with two Good Guys, both able to set and raise standards without being jerks. It was the exception to the rule, perhaps; those gentlemen I'd serve with anywhere.

  44. I just transferred out of the "train riding for NR" shore detail. The best enlisted shore duty there is. No duy, No uniforms, little to do with the Navy and you get to travel the country by rail. The downside is port and stbd watches while rolling but it's well worth it to see the back country...

  45. Ken in Yoko,

    Was Don Dade back on the 580 for his second tour when you were onboard?

    I was Chief torpedoman on 580 boat 70-75.


  46. Ken in Yoko,

    I think Electrician "Lurch" Ackerman My have been back onboard 580 also.

    We just had a great B-Girl reunion in Portland end of May. 240 attendees with 47 of us from 580. even had a plankowner attend.


  47. CAPT Deepdiver7/26/2009 3:21 PM


    "I think Electrician "Lurch" Ackerman My have been back onboard 580 also."

    I think I worked with this guy in the early 80s onboard a PH nuke...he was the only non-nuke EM onboard and reported as the LCPO of IC Div.

    What a card! We called him Hoover! Wonder if it is the same guy!

  48. CAPT Deepdiver7/26/2009 3:26 PM

    "630-738 said...I'm retired, so I believe I can look at this from the proper perspective. My feeling it simple: If an individual left a negative legacy, that will be remembered, whether or not he did good."

    Exactly! I am also retired AND I worked with the subject individual on an O-6 to O-6 basis (he wasn't in my COC). He alienated the Commodores and alienated Naval Reactors - really bad thing to do. With the crap he pulled during and after the GRN incident, he alienated most knowledgable submariners in the PH area...

    nuff said...water under the bridge...

  49. Back to GREENEVILLE are we...

    The boat should never have been at sea the day she sank EHIME MARU. Had she been kept in port as should have been, Admiral Brandhuber's role would not be under analysis and Captain (or Admiral) Waddle's career would still be alive.

    Problem 1: Then-Admiral Macke (retired early and demoted to 2 stars subsequently for another incident) leaned on CSP Al K to muster a boat to sea to entertain visiting guests. Who were they? Wealthy Republicans, mostly Texas oil executives and big George W Bush contributers.

    Problem 2: CSP Al K caved and sent the boat to sea solely to entertain these guests. The investigating officer said this about the boat going out just for this 'DV' cruise: “In my view this doesn’t fit the criteria. It doesn’t come close.…I would never get a carrier underway to support a DV (distinguished-visitor) embark. We’re going to disagree on that.”

    Problem 3: CSP Al K had just gotten orders to a 3-star job at LantFlt and could not afford this reflecting badly on his judgment. From this, avoid at all costs criticism of the decision to have the boat underway. Did he do the wrong thing? IMHO yes and no. Putting the boat out for this frivolity = wrong. Covering his ass to save his next job = OK by me (enough wreckage already from the incident - why kill a splendid flag officer too? It wasn't Al's finest hour, but net-net he did the right thing - IMHO).

    Problem 4: In all the analysis of this tragedy I never saw any reflection back on either the boat's state-of-training as judged by the Training Center evaluating them or on the parent squadron responsible for final evaluation. The idea that training centers and certifying squadrons have any responsibility for crew crew readiness just never gets traction. Obvious conclusion: both these outfits are useless to readiness (or at least useless as judges of it).

    This is a pretty good review of the whole sad mess:


  50. Pauljose,

    Were you onboard Whale when it couldn't get out of the PSNS drydock because of the hatch-grinding fiasco or had you already gotten out?

  51. CAPT Deepdiver7/26/2009 6:46 PM

    Brandhuber wasn't going to make Flag...even before the incident. Waddle would have made CAPTAIN - and that would have meant that a good CO/COSS wouldn't have made it.

    The Center for Grassroot Oversight article was interesting. Too bad VADM Bruce MacDonald didn't have access to it when he was prosecuting the case. About 1/3rd of it is dead on, another 1/3rd is total bullshit, and the rest is probably not even germane, but I don't know about whether it is true or not. Not even sure what kind of organization publishes this webpage, but it appears to have a journalistic left tilt.

    Waddle violated major basic submarining axioms and Brandhuber didn't do squat to stop him...unforgivable.

    I was invited to a staff meeting once by a friend because I didn't believe how Brandhuber ran them. Something called "stand-up". I was flabbergasted! Have worked directly for a 2, 3 and 4 star and never saw fellow O-6's treated like this. His treatment of Squadron Commodores during the meetings was equally appalling.

    Bottom line is that many brews were tipped when he went down. Don't want to revisit this bad memory of submarining history!

  52. capt deepdiver: comments on the role of training center, squadron, CSO?

  53. capt deepdiver,

    Sounds right for Lurch. I know he made Chief on the 580 in late 70,s. I heard he wound up on a nuc boat. He was definitely not nuc electrician material. Always wondered how he wound up on a nuc boat.

    got his nickname from the old Munsters TV program. Dang near the ugliest submarine sailor I ever saw!! Great shipmate, great entertainment ashore in WesPac.

    I believe he is now living in Kona on the big island.

    Keep a zero bubble.......


    Was the EM Ackerman a Hawaiian? When I was on the Tunny (682), we had a COB named Ackerman for a short while. After the Change of Command from Speers to McDonoungh (1991 in PH), EMCS Ackerman got really drunk and fell asleep in the front truck. Topside called the DCPO who retrieved the keys from the ignition. When Ackerman woke up, he got pissed because his keys were gone. DCPO came up to get him to calm down and Ackerman knocked out the DCPO. End of COB tour. I liked him as a COB. No BS with him. He used to sit on the dive and clean his toenails with the tooth pick he always had in his mouth! Plus he was funnier then hell!


  55. Anonymous @ 6:35 7/29

    Yes, yes I was....and you?

    I played on superstitions a bit by pointing out our first underway was 20 years to the day after Scorpion disappeared...

    Remember how Smilin' Jack called for a flank bell off the Delta pier when (we thought) we were out of there for good?


  56. CAPT Deepdiver7/27/2009 6:30 AM


    I am pretty sure we are talking the same Ackerman now. He was definitely one of earth's ugliest men, and one of the nicest/funniest. We called him Hoover because he would smoke all watch on the Dive, put all the ashes in his poopie suit pocket, and vacuum out his pocket in the goat locker after watch.

    I came off liberty one night in WESTPAC and found him drunk as hell as an EMC tearing apart the Dial-X trays and damned if he didn't fix it!


  57. CAPT Deepdiver7/27/2009 6:46 AM

    "Rubber Ducky said...comments on the role of training center, squadron, CSO?"

    CSO? Not sure what that means...

    GRN was certified BSO by the Squadron. They were not deployment certified. Hell you and I didn't even have BSO when we were JOs...we just got underway if the CO told the Commodore we were ready, so using the NSTCP and CSS as a crutch doesn't fly! CO said he could get underway and he did. His assignment was very simple and he was given dedicated area to work in...if you read the report, every cause of the incident was BSO violation...period.

    BTW, DV Ops are common...and getting underway for DVs is VERY common. When I was at C7F, we got ships and subs underway a lot for DVs. When I was XO in NORVA, ships were ALWAYS getting underway for DVs due to proximity to DC - especially the latest and greatest ships.

    And yes! CVN Ops were definitely modified to accomodate DVs! I don't remember specifically getting one underway, but I remember altering their OPS big time for DVs...including waivers to fly FNs on and off...just the way we operate these days!

    Big Al is my friend and his biggest mistake was not wielding a bigger hammer...he tried to protect Waddle too much (far more than he tried to protect Brandhuber).

  58. deepdiver:

    Good response. Tks. CSO: should read CSP.

    No argument Waddle screwed the pooch. But his failure challenges the glib judgments of TC and squadron - he was certified BSO but events demonstrated with absolute clarity that he was not. His fault for screwing up. TC and squadron fault for a phony, ersatz, incompetent, flat-assed-wrong certification. I again state my advocacy for TCs and ISICs being named interested parties and subject to sanctions, NJP, etc. in cases such as this: if the CO is at fault, look at the system that made him and the superiors who said he was Grade-A certified.

    Rolling a boat into the opsked to do DV ops? Sure. Rolling a boat out of a training-center workup to do an unscheduled bullshit DV op (GREENEVILLE)? Risky ... as events proved.

    And stretching the definition of DV to include fatcats playing golf with the 4-star - that's why we built the fleet? These oilmen influence national defense? DV = big contributer to one of the political parties? This is abuse, plain and simple. Nathman's comment about CVs and DVs did not say never a CV underway for DVs - he said not for 'DVs' as phony as these - he said these folks weren't DVs.

    Also a fan of Al K - have known since he was an O-5. As said, he had his ass in a crack when EHIME MARU was sunk and did what he had to, to the Navy's benefit IMHO. As to his defense of Waddle: "Like my own son" before the incident. After: Waddle? Who?

  59. I am always amazed how small this world is. I remember Ackerman, he was on my boat when I reported as a nuke nub in 1985. Makes me wonder now if I know Capt. Deepdiver. If you were on the same boat as Ackerman in 1985, and you weren't the CO/XO, then you can only be one person, I think.


    I heard at 96 B-Girl reunion that indeed, "Lurch" Ackerman had become a COB on a Nuc boat. Unbelievable!! Behavior sounds like him. Was he still doing the "Bacon" when ashore and toasted??

    He promoted EM1 in 73/74. Promoted EMC underway in late 70's on 580. Jerry Jacks who was COB on 580 at that time told me they stripped him down, diapered him and oiled him up on a table in crews mess as part of initiation. Not a pretty picture!!!

    Check B-Girl web site Barbel photo section. Few pics of Lurch in early 70's section. We sure had some characters on the boats back in the day! Damn, it sure was fun too!!

    Keep a zero bubble............


  61. It's going to be damn hard to beat the SLC here in San Diego!

  62. CAPT Deepdiver7/27/2009 12:23 PM

    RD -

    Agree...however, NOTHING CSS and TC would have done would have changed anything with Waddle. He was a cowboy who took a LOT of shortcuts, always thought he was correct regardless, and then blamed others quickly. He should discuss those characteristics at his speaking engagements.

    I have seen some real uglies regarding DVs. Almost saw CNO of JN Navy killed due to poor DV planning. And the waste fraud abuse out of Norfolk? Had to take Clinton's homo review team to sea when we were supposed to be in POM upkeep!

  63. CAPT Deepdiver7/27/2009 1:54 PM

    DBFTMC(SS)USNRET - took a look at those pictures on BARBEL page. Yup! That is the same Tom Ackerman! Ain't no way no way no way in hell that man was EVER COB! LOL...but he sure was a lot of fun in a lot of liberty ports and even more fun listening to on watch!

  64. LTjg McLovin7/27/2009 6:21 PM

    Civilian Immediate Graduated Education Program ... think "stashed ensign" ... but for two years.

    Get a masters while receiving full pay and BAH/BAS, party with undergrads and young professionals (more money to burn), and have NO professional responsibilities whatsoever ... also referred to as Heaven.

    I was attached to a recruiting command about an hour away and their G.A.S. factor with respect to including me in their duties was next to non-existent.

    Downside? Nuclear pipeline/being back in the Navy was a giant kick in the nuts.

  65. McLovin-

    You haven't yet reaped the full benefit - wait until your command rotates you early so you can get a full shore tour afterwards. (Seen it happen - to a guy who was openly getting out, no less.)

  66. LTjg McLovin7/27/2009 9:43 PM


    Booya (provided it's not a full shift eng shore tour).

    McLovin', out.

  67. Venting Inboard! What should have been a great shore (sort of) tour at CSS-20 turned into a nightmare because of one de-nuced f'd up DH and one ass kissing STSCS. Couple of good Commodores though, Tom Turner and Butch Meier.

    Finished my 20 at NAVMAC in Millington. Didn't do much in the way of Navy stuff but did finish my bachelors and masters degrees.


  68. Best shore duty for me started on July 6, 1978. That's the day I hit EAOS. Been on great shore duty ever since. It's called living life......

  69. It must really suck to still remain bitter about your volunteer life after 31 years, Anon. Otherwise, why would you refer to life after EAOS as "living life?"

  70. 630-738,

    Why would you read bitter into my comment? I thoroughly enjoyed the years I served. Those years were special and I look back on them with great pride and joy. Even though I've had 31 years of "shore duty", I'm still a qualified submariner and proud of it.

    My goal on the day I walked into the recruiter's office was to do six and out, get the absolute most I could out of those six years, give to the navy the absolute most I could give during those six years, and then use the GI bill to get my college education. I made seven patrols and got out. And I did accomplish each one of the goals.

    Sure, I was living life during those six years. It's just that I considered those years as preparation for the things I really wanted to accomplish in life.

    So please don't twist my comment around to make it sound as if I'm bitter about the time I spent in the navy.

  71. He didn't twist a thing. You sound like every bitter boomer fag I ever met.

  72. Anon,

    Don't get bent out of shape. You did sort of sound like your Navy life wasn't a life at all. All you have to do is read other commenters around this blog and you'll see why I came to the conclusion I did.

    I have absolutely NO problem with those who choose to leave at 4 or 6 years, if that is their obligated amount of service. Your service was no less honorable or important than mine, just shorter. You are justified in your pride. I did not mean to denigrate your service at all.

    BTW, the 3 years since i retired have been some great shore duty as well!

  73. Wow, I've had that many responses to a comment.

    Yup, that's me. Heard from Marky at all? I think I found him in the GAL yesterday. Hono was a hot running SOB. Those poor bastards hadn't had a liberty port in 18 months before I reported. We went to Westlock for a weapons load and half the crew was exited because they would be able to walk to the mini-mart. SICK!

    Pappy Dade was indeed my LCPO on the Barbel. To this day I've still never seen a fat man go through a watertight door like Pappy Dade could. I remember Ackerman, definately a character on a boat full of characters!
    Sure am sorry I missed the reunion. Was stuck dealing with a big DISA inspection workup. I'm happy to hear a good time was had by all.

  74. Ken in Yoko,

    Don Dade was a big guy in 72 when he swopped to us from the Tang which was changing home ports to San Diego along with Gudgeon and Wahoo. We got a good deal for STS1(SS)MacCormack who went to Tang. Dade was an ace softball pitcher and he could hear! Our skipper at that time said he didn't want Mac on the stack coming to periscope depth because he was deaf as a post. I had also served with Mac on the Cusk 60-62. Small submarine Navy back then with average enlisted crew size 65-70.

    I heard that after retirement Don sailed as contractor on T-AGOS for a while. Don't know if he's retired or not.

    Keep a zero bubble........


  75. I know which shore command you do NOT want to go to as a Nuke... AS-40

  76. I think I have it pretty good. Staff Duty in Singapore. Small command, and routine trips for business in Thailand, Malaysia, PI, etc. It's great.

  77. Speaking of Singapore (glad we're back on topic now!), I was a LT from CSG-7 assigned as the Singapore Rep back in 00-02. Frankly, I deserve ANY bad deal I get for the rest of my life after that tour... Lived downtown, my direct boss was 3000m away in Yokosuka, let SSN wardrooms (and whoever else wanted to and could fit) stay at my place when they pulled in (we called it the Singapore Sanx, after CSG7's Sanx in Yokosuka), traveled all over SE Asia for CARAT planning conferences, and worked a lot w/ the Singapore Navy, who were an awesome group of guys.


  78. The best shore duty is civilian life.

  79. Anon 5:50am

    I expressed the same sentiment earlier and got criticized for being bitter about having been in the navy at all.

    I guess "some"lifers spend their lives justifying their decision to stay in. A few of them seem to need to direct the anger and frustration of their decisions toward others.

    I wonder whether the comments would be as passionate if the subject was "Dream Sea Duty Job" as opposed to dream shore duty?

  80. At least he posted a link to a funny story. Your bitter comment had no other purpose than to express your bitterness.

  81. Dream sea duty job for a submariner in the 80's? SS-576, 580, 581, 582. Dream sea duty job in 90's to 2008, AGSS-555. Gone but not forgotten!!

    keep a zero bubble.........


  82. Don't forget SS567 - around into '83.

  83. instructor at slc. gives you the opportunity to work at a hedge fund over 100 miles away - full time.

  84. Just read through this. Surprised nobody mentioned the time Bobby San Juan just about lost San Juan to the Tampa harbor.

  85. sobersubmrnr9/13/2009 9:48 PM

    I was in San Juan's piloting party when we went to Tampa. I don't recall any problems. Do tell.


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