Thursday, December 29, 2005

Baring My Darkest Secrets

Chrys at Pettifog tagged me to do the latest meme running around the blogosphere -- listing your five weirdest habits. Ninme also did the meme, but asked for volunteers instead of assigning them, so I'll say I'm volunteering for her too. Here's mine:

1) I like my steak essentially raw -- "passed over a candle" is how I order it. Light brown on the outside, gushing blood on the inside. I figure it doesn't have any flavor cooked out of it that way.

2) I spend way too much time reading the forums at Democratic Underground -- it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I guess. I know I'm just rotting my mind over there, but whenever I get home from work, that's usually the first place I head, even before checking comments here. (Speaking of DU -- I just remembered this excellent piece they had at IMAO back when they were funny about a "Universal DU Thread" -- it's still pretty much spot on.)

3) I have this incredible memory for facts and things I've heard, but can't remember anyone's name until I've met them about 10 times.

4) I take about 50 baths for every shower I take whenever I'm not at sea (which I never am nowadays). Unless there's no way I can avoid being late otherwise, I'll jump in the tub instead of the shower.

5) I absolutely refuse to eat ketchup with anything other than fries -- if a burger or hot dog has even a hint of ketchup on it, I just won't eat it. I'm fine with tomatoes on hamburgers, though.

The rules for the meme now say I'm supposed to assign five other people to do it, but I don't follow rules very well. (The rules also say that I'm supposed to post the rules, but I didn't do that either. I guess I'm just a rebel.)

Going deep...


  1. Nothing wrong with the bath thing. In my old house I had to because we only got 5 mins of actual hot water if you took a shower. Since I moved I have to boil water in order to take a bath. Gotta love housing. Now the ketchup thing is just odd.

  2. Appreciate your honesty about baths; had thought I was wierd -baths are already a luxury in modern Europe. Some hotels offer only showers.

    Saw one bath tub in Italy (yes, marble) worth about $30K and for the luxury crowd. When I got back to U.S. I put in a shower that I have never used -baths are a luxury, BH.

  3. The Bath Thing: That's really weird.

    Unless you're eating a raw steak while bathing.

    Or somebody is in the tub with you.

    Or if somebody is in the tub with you eating a raw steak.

    Strike the last one - that's just weird.

  4. Looks as though you and Ninme have found the way to put this "Five Weird Things" game to bed since I can't envision anyone volunteering for a "TAG" "You're It"! lol Steak and bathes - hmmm

  5. Actually, I'm just too shy to "tag" anyone else.
    I should be very impressed that famous blogger RightWingDuck showed up on my humble blog; he's one of the group-bloggers over at IMAO. However, since I've lost my previous infatuation with IMAO (ever since I got links from Instapundit) I can't afford to appear too overly impressed. Plus, I'm still mad at Frank J. -- when I was TAD in Tampa, I hung out on my patio in my apartment complex in St. Pete, and not once did he wander by so we could chat about manly things! I was very disappointed... it's not like Florida's a big state or anything.

  6. No, I think he's actually in Melbourne. It's still in Florida, so he should have walked by.


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