Wednesday, December 28, 2005

"Suppose You Have Four Cookies..."

So there I was, posting over at BlameBush! (Liberal Larry posted about the reported monitoring for radiation from the streets that's been in the news) when, unbidden, the "four cookies" question emerged from the darkest recesses of my brain. For those who don't remember from their qual boards, here it is:

"Suppose you have four cookies: A gamma cookie, a neutron cookie, a beta cookie, and an alpha cookie. You have to eat one, put one in your pocket, hold one in your hand, and throw the other away. Which do you do with each, and why?"

Amazingly, at all the boards I asked this question, no one ever gave the best answer: "It depends on the curie content of each." Assuming the curie contents are the same, though, the answer is -- in the comments.


  1. You put the beta cookie in your pocket (beta particles, or electrons, are effectively blocked by one layer of clothing), hold the alpha cookie in your hand (an alpha, being a bare Helium nucleus, is stopped by the dead layer of skin), eat the gamma cookie (it'll give you the same dose in any case) and throw the neutron cookie away (the neutron has a higher quality factor than the gamma).

  2. Then you start the dose estimate for the gamma cookie ingestion, start writing incident reports for the lost neutron cookie, and commence field day of the engineroom for when all your Squadron "help" shows up.

  3. Depends on the initial conditions of the scenario.

    Suppose you had been underway for a month, and you had a gamma baked chicken, an beta pork chop, a neutron corn dog, and an alpha chicken wheel sandwich...

    Answer: with or without Frank's Hot Sauce?

    Also the strontium milk doesn't look so bad, vs. UHT.

  4. There are way to many nucs hanging out here!
    Retired STSC(SS)

  5. Ha! I haven't heard that in a while.

    I've been out for over a year and Coners still annoy me.

    Long live the SNOB!

  6. I'll go with bubbluhead


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