Friday, December 30, 2005

What Makes Moonbats Different

Consider your reaction to the story of the Florida teenager who flew to Iraq. If you're like most people, you'll probably start thinking like Ninme and wonder about things like how he got the money, or what the parents did wrong in raising him. You might even make fun of the kid.

If you're a moonbat, though, your thoughts head off in another direction, as this thread at Democratic Underground shows. Their first thought? It's all a Rovian plot to make people afraid and force Congress to vote for an extension of the Patriot Act.

Going deep...


  1. You weren't making fun of him... that's normally something I would do. Since you don't understand what it has to do with the Patriot Act, that means you're not a moonbat.

  2. Because an obviously Arab-looking young man was able to get onboard an airplane without any special searches, the sheeple with think it means we aren't protected enough. Therefore, Rove conspired with the boy and his parents to get him do it in order for people to become concerned about this and demand the Patriot Act be strengthened.

  3. I must not be a moonbat, either...I don't see how the kid was anything other than a bit nuts...and deserving of a real ass-whoopin' from the parents for scaring the living shit out of 'em like that (can you imagine..."hi, Mom, guess where I am")

    How this would ever be a "support the Patriot Act" stunt would be beyond me...

    Yeah, I read the thread-starter you linked to at DU, and someone hit the wacky weed a little too hard with that one...

  4., maybe, for the Susan Sarandon reference?

  5. I *am* a moonbat and I don't get it. Seriously, though, making fun of the Democratic Underground is like making fun of the Free Republic - far, far easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

  6. Sara,
    Thanks for visiting! Yes, I know that abusing DUers and Freepers is really going for the low-hanging fruit, but it's just so fun sometimes...


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