Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Action's Over At CDR S.'s Tonight

CDR Salamander has a good post on the upcoming court-martial of a Naval Academy instructor who got in hot water over a comment to a female midshipman that was perceived as sexual in nature. The post is pretty good, but the comments are where it really gets interesting...

As far as a submarine angle -- well, the new Commandant at the Academy, CAPT Bruce Grooms, is a submariner who looks like he's following in RADM John Padgett's steps on his way to Flag. He was CO on USS Asheville when I was working with them during the workup for their 2000 deployment, and he won the Stockdale Award in 1999. A very impressive man.

Going deep...

Update 0019 11 Jan: I just realized that the title of this post is very poorly worded; it could mean that on-going action can be found over at CDR Salamander's blog (which is what I intended); alternately, though, one could read it as me saying that the action was going on there, but is now over. Based on the fact that the comment string is now up to 22 comments, I'd say the action's still going on fast and furious...

1 comment:

  1. "The Action's Over At CDR S.'s Tonight "

    You're going to get me in trouble with Mrs Salamander saying things like that....


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