Thursday, January 19, 2006

CNO's "Vision For A 21st Century Navy"

The new CNO, ADM Mike Mullen, wrote an article in this month's Proceedings that was reprinted over at I really liked this part:

"The Navy must be postured to win wars and defend the homeland, to empower our friends, and to help emerging partners who are struggling against the elements of instability -- presence with a purpose.
"Poor and mismanaged economies, the underdeveloped rule of law, systemic corruption, inadequate health systems, ethnic rivalry, and religious hatred all feed frustration, extremism, and terrorism. We must be able to continue to react quickly in times of humanitarian crises and with resolve in times of conflict. We must deter and dissuade potential adversaries in peacetime through persistent forward presence, and respond instantaneously in war by amassing overwhelming and lethal combat power. As we learned in Indonesia, and as we are seeing in the international relief efforts in earthquake-stricken Pakistan today, virtual presence is not the answer. You need to be there to make a difference.
"To be effective in the multitude of missions that await us, the Navy must be capable of assuring access -- at a time and place of our choosing -- throughout the maritime domain. It is not enough that our sailors have the capacity to react instantly to actionable intelligence. They must develop a true understanding of the complex world in which they operate and the cultures with which they interact."

Not much specific about submarines, but it's a pretty good read.

1 comment:

  1. Now, if only Congress and DoD will let him carry out the mission...


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