One of the memes that was especially popular on the left a couple of years ago was the concept that "opposing those in power is the highest form of patriotism". While this particular canard is seen less frequently today, it still pops up every once in a while, as seen in the Letters to the Editor section of yesterday's Idaho Statesman (3rd letter down).
It's possible to make an argument that this statement is true, but here's what those making this argument could do if they really want to impress me: Provide evidence, or at least make a statement, that they believed the same thing back in 1998, during the Clinton impeachment mess. If they were consistent, it seems that they'd also believe that those supporting impeachment, and opposing the President, would have been "more patriotic" (whatever that means) than those opposed to impeachment. Since my guess is that they didn't make such statements, I'm forced to conclude that those who say such things now are motivated more by political bias, rather than deeply-held philosophical beliefs.
Going deep...
BH, here is a little experiment for you. When attempting to engage the media (print, radio, TV, etc.) in meaningful debate regarding dubious opinions, time (you will need a device that counts in milliseconds) how long it takes them to change the subject dismissively, if you even dare to bring up the Clinton administration. Very curious.