Keeping the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines since late 2004... and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found. Idaho's first and foremost submarine blog. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me; don't call me at home.)

Friday, June 01, 2007

New "Hey, Shipwreck" Video

The 12th episode of "Hey, Shipwreck" just got posted:

A wife calls the boat to get in touch with her husband in the duty section. Everyone remembers getting calls like that. (On my last two boats, the new phone systems were able to forward outside calls to any phone on the boat -- including the one in Maneuvering. I spent more time explaining to helpful coners that, no, he shouldn't be forwarding calls from the SRO's wife back to him when he was on watch in the box.)

Update 2311 01 June: This is probably the USS Georgia (SSGN 729) ship's seal mentioned in the video:

Update 0658 02 June: I was informed in my E-mail inbox that, despite the fact that the letter between the "SS" and "N" on the left side of the logo above looks like a scrunched-together "13", it's really supposed to be a "B", meaning the one above is the Georgia's old SSBN seal. The new SSGN seal is (supposedly) below -- if one trusts people who E-mail them stuff. This one comes from a pretty reliable source, though:

Purty fancy!


Blogger bothenook said...

damn, that's funny stuff. we told one wife after her 20th call that duty day that her husband asked us to lie for him, to say that he was on watch. which he was.
must have been an interesting conversation the next morning....

6/01/2007 9:27 PM

Blogger bothenook said...

ooop, forgot. being a seawolf sailor (ssn-575 version), i can only smile with pride that the last "REAL" submarine name out there is named after MY boat (the reason the new SSN-21 class was named what it was).

6/01/2007 9:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the OMFG building made me ROTFL. I had to look it up, which made me laugh even harder

6/02/2007 5:54 AM

Blogger John McGimpsey said...

The new SSGN seal is (supposedly) below -- if one trusts people who E-mail them stuff.

Or if one trusts the nav...

6/02/2007 7:11 PM

Blogger Bubblehead said...

You actually got that page to load? I tried twice, and it timed out both time.
I also got a picture in my E-mail showing the logo on the Navy NASCAR car, so I'd say it's for real.

6/02/2007 7:21 PM

Blogger John McGimpsey said...

Yup, loaded in a heartbeat - this is the actual logo link:

The Crest of the United States Ship GEORGIA (SSGN 729)

"The center of the crest depicts the USS Georgia performing a guided missile launch. The steel dolphins, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of the submariner"

6/02/2007 7:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dah - What's a joint? - Great, great, grandfather smoked them! Guess some things DO change! lol

Names DO make a difference!

Tried to get the other half in the field (just training) after all of the (military housing) kitchen cabinets (with contents) fell to the floor - nearly on our son. STILL wasn't important enough! lol

Another time - I drove 13 hours straight, back to post in Alabama, from Ohio, and had to go direct to assigned 24 hr. CQ.

6/03/2007 9:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wive's, girlfriends and the telephone in control. Both can be demanding and for some guys you had to make sure you kept things straight. Then again, on a long duty day, it was sometimes more fun to mix it up a little. You can always find another good...wife!

6/04/2007 9:47 AM

Anonymous personal injury said...

No doubt, the chap is totally fair.

10/26/2011 4:43 AM


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