Submariners At War
On this day, please say an extra prayer for Submariners serving in the Middle East, and their families and loved ones. While they're out there doing good for the people of war-torn countries, there are bad people who are trying to do them harm. These brave men deserve our special thoughts, as do all of our brave men and women who voluntarily go in harm's way to protect our freedoms.
Update 1435 23 May: As mentioned in the comments below, we did lose a Submariner in Afghanistan this week. LT Jeff Ammon was killed by an IED in the Aband District, while serving with PRT Ghanzi; he was on IA duty from shore duty in Navy Region Northwest, and was previously assigned to USS Alabama (SSBN 731). From an article in the Kitsap Sun:
At Navy Region Northwest, Ammon was an operations and planning staff officer. He had transferred from the Bangor-based Trident submarine USS Alabama, where he was an engineering officer, Hughes said.My understanding is that he was an ELT in his enlisted days. I wrote about some other submariners serving on Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan here.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lt. Ammon’s family and to our Navy Region Northwest family during this very difficult time,” said Rear Adm. James A. Symonds, Navy Region Northwest commander. “This is a tragic loss to Jeff’s family, friends and the entire CNRNW staff. All of Jeff’s uniformed and civilian co-workers are touched by the loss of this brave man. He was a professional who was extremely dedicated to his family, his shipmates and our nation. He will be greatly missed by all of those who loved him and worked with him. We extend our deepest sympathies to Ammon family.”
Ammon, who is survived by a wife and two children, is from Orem, Utah. He enlisted in the Navy in 1988 and went through an enlisted-to-officer program at Oregon State University. The family doesn’t want any other information released, Hughes said.
Sailor, Rest Your Oar...
Update 2236 23 May: Here are links to many more stories about LT Ammon, along with a picture of the fallen hero in Afghanistan:

40 years ago today the SCORPION was lost too...
5/22/2008 11:40 AM
And I just heard of another submariner killed in the middle east on the ground. Remember his family as well.
5/22/2008 3:21 PM
I will never forget... LCDR Barton Creed, USN
5/22/2008 5:33 PM
I'm a submariner's Mom and I will pray for these subs in the Middle East just as I prayed for my son's sub when he was there. Thank you for the reminder. L.T.
5/22/2008 6:58 PM
Think of the 52 US submarines still on patrol from WW2.
5/23/2008 1:07 PM
Jeff was a good friend an exceptional officer. He will be missed.
5/23/2008 6:07 PM
Remember that Bronze Star debate that went down here.
The Navy and most others do not recognize or realize what those serving on PRTs are up to and up against. They are out and about ... facing down danger to bring hope to the Afghans.
God Bless Jeff ... he is a hero.
My heart goes out to his family.
Pray for them.
A Former PRT Commander
5/24/2008 10:21 AM
Jeff was one of the finest sailors I have had the honor and pleasure of serving with. Beyond the tremendous loss for his wife and children, the Navy has a hole it cannot hope to fill. I've managed to run into him a couple of times over the years since we were ELT's together, each time it reinforced what was good about the Navy.
You and your children are in my family's thoughts and prayers.
5/27/2008 8:00 AM
Holy crap, it finally happened. A sub JO died in the gulf, probably on an involuntary IA. This closet draft policy has got to stop. Just one more reason to get out after my shore job.
While I'm aware that submarining itself is inherently dangerous, I'm completely comfortable with the risk of possibly dying on a submarine underwater. It's a measured risk that I took when I signed up for the submarine service.
I feel sorry for our fallen shipmate, yet another victim of the submarine Navy's abhorrent personnel management policies.
7/04/2008 4:08 PM
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