The DBF Pin
Some links for your reading enjoyment this weekend:
1) An E-mail with the history of the "Diesel Boats Forever" pin has been making its way around Submarine Force inboxes recently. You can read the story behind the pin here.

Speaking of DBF, Cookie has a humorous diesel boat story here.
2) You can also check our a fairly new blog by a Submariner here, and a blog by a retired Navy Captain (Cryptology) here.
3) Here's a story that projects that 111 new submarines will be built around the world by 2020. I think the number is optimistic, especially the 13 new SSBNs part.
4) Electric Boat is hiring design engineers. Hopefully some of them that get hired will actually have some time on the pond. These new engineers will apparently be working on the next generation SSBN. They won't be in the water before 2020.
5) Finally, here's the Navy's newest NUPOC propaganda video:
On the NUPOC video - I recognized Lee Hankins (CSP COS) and Bob Roncska (CO, USS TEXAS) - who was the O-5 in khakis? Need to tell him that NUPOC is Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate, not Nuclear Proplusion Officer Corps. Otherwise the USNA and ROTC nuclear accessions would be included too.
1/15/2011 10:54 AM
oops - wrong thread.
1/15/2011 11:04 AM
Re: the name of the program, I thought that sounded wrong, but couldn't imagine the Navy would put out a video giving the wrong name of the program. But, according to the official Navy website, it still is the "Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Program".
1/15/2011 11:14 AM
Thanks for the timely reminder, BH. The bush/siren version of the DBF pin is about to become a huge submarine collector's item!
1/15/2011 2:35 PM
Wish I was an old diesel boat guy. I found this website a while back and it provides some good sea stories. Periodically I'll print out the stories and take them in for my guys to read so they know what "real" submarining is like.
1/16/2011 12:32 PM
Disagree with the last comment. Sweetest deal was PNEO - O-2 pay to study 4hrs/day with no supervision. Without PNEO, I never would have had the chance to prepare for the GMAT and bschool apps. Thanks NAVSEA08!
Of course the payback when you got back to the boat was no fun, but it was good while it lasted...
1/17/2011 2:55 AM
That "fairly new" submariner blog had suoper great potentials in his storys but and it did give me some headacke to read because that auther he just do not know to punctuation or wright in complete sentences. Maybe he coukld tqake some lessens from the idiot mulligan.
1/17/2011 12:02 PM
Agree w/ PNEO, only O-3 pay with boat CoHP'd to the other ocean :)
Seriously, to recruit officers, only show enlisted working? The one khaki they do show -- not speaking -- they choose some fat fuck with a shitty salute?
1/19/2011 12:12 PM
Anonymous, did you find the GMAT difficult? I'm wondering if being a Nuke prepares you well for standardized test studying and taking (specifically the GMAT). And where did you end up attending?
1/20/2011 6:05 PM
@ annon 1/19/2011 12:12 PM
"Seriously, to recruit officers, only show enlisted working? The one khaki they do show -- not speaking -- they choose some fat fuck with a shitty salute?"
That fat fuck is actually a chief on a PCU out of CT.
But as for the rest, most of the officers are off the USS Texas. CDR Roncska, LT Wines, and LT Jacinto.
2/22/2011 7:37 PM
So much useful data for everyone!
11/27/2011 4:13 PM
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8/06/2012 12:01 AM
Noticed the DBF patch on site with red sun behind the sub flanked by mermaids. The designer has issued a new patch with a yellow sun and other color chages. I like it better.
Best Regards, Mike Frederick, RMCM SS USN Ret.uataryihis
3/06/2014 5:39 PM
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