Saturday, September 03, 2005
About Me
- Name: Bubblehead
- Location: Meridian, Idaho, United States
I'm Joel Kennedy -- a married, 50-something year old retired submarine officer and esophageal cancer survivor with three kids who has finally made the transition to civilian life. Politically, I'm a Radical Moderate. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me. Don't call me at home.)
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What I'm Reading

The 16th Chief Justice, God rest his soul, influenced one of his best law clerks, whose ascendancy we will soon watch.
Then, it will tneither surprise nor upset me if President Bush were to nominate Clarence Thomas the next Chief Justice. But, what do I know?
9/04/2005 2:36 PM
Vigilis complimenting a lawyer? I've seen everything now. Seriously, though, I expect Bush will go with a *less* controversial choice and nominate Scalia to move up to Chief Justice.
9/04/2005 7:42 PM
Once again, I suck at predicting the future...
9/05/2005 9:53 AM
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