PCU New Hampshire Commissioning Tomorrow
PCU New Hampshire (SSN 778) will officially put on the "USS" tag with her commissioning Saturday at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Some logistics information is here for those planning to attend; for those who can't make it, you'll be able to view a simulcast here starting at 1000 EDT tomorrow (opens your media player).
As with all ceremonies of this nature, the crew has to practice. Here's a photo of the "manning the rails" walk-through:

Update 0900 26 October: The New London Day has a report on the commissioning that includes a photo gallery and a discussion of Virginia-class submarine construction timelines. They mention that this is the first year since 1996 that two SSNs were commissioned in the same year. [As you remember, USS North Carolina (SSN 777) was commissioned in May.]
Update 1332 28 October: Here's the Navy website report on the commissioning, with its own photo gallery and a link to a short video report on the commissioning ceremony.
What gives with the sail? It looks butt ugly!
10/24/2008 3:50 PM
Same as anon above. It just seems that there's a lack of attention to detail (fairing of surfaces) that I wouldn't suspect in this community. If I had 800 lbs of love bugs smattered on my P-3 / P-8 wings I'd be concerned.
P-8 Puke
10/24/2008 4:10 PM
Looks like some of the paint is still wet...
10/24/2008 4:38 PM
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10/24/2008 6:48 PM
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10/24/2008 6:49 PM
It looks like the paint locker ran out of paint.
10/24/2008 8:04 PM
the sail looks a lot prettier in real life. that pic doesnt do it justice. and who gave the airdale a say anyway? Isnt there a line he should be standing in?
10/24/2008 8:07 PM
A sail on a Submarine?
Gents, I realize I'm setting myself up here for a fair amount of understandable ridicule with my next dumb-ass question here, but what exactly is a sail (regarding a Sub) and how would it function on such a vessel?
SSGT J. Casey
10/24/2008 8:31 PM
The CO is originally from Tacoma, and due to the usual East Coast/West Coast time differences the local paper didn't get any response out of Navy on a Friday afternoon asking for more details (as reported on the Military Affairs newspaper blog).
For the SSGT, the sail:
- Keeps the submarine from cockscrewing through the ocean. The rudder section isn't big enough (same issue the P-51 had in WW II)
- Provides a location for surface navigation/control
- Holds lots of equipment
- Allows the submarine to put sensors into the air while reducing the effects of waves.
10/24/2008 9:16 PM
So... the sail looked really long to me in this photo.
and in this one, http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=65714, it shows that this girl's got two HDR's and two MPA/BRA-34's. Who's the genius who finally realized we need more communications gear?
10/24/2008 10:03 PM
About halfway up the front of the sail is something smooth and glasslike and I have no idea as to what it is. Any ideas?
Also what would the vent at the upper aft end of sail be for?
Thanks for the great blog,
10/25/2008 8:11 PM
Hey richg how come the sub doesn't "corkscrew" when it is surfaced and the Sail is completely out of the water you Dolt
10/26/2008 5:47 AM
Regarding the Dolt and the corkscrewing of the submarine...
RichG, I don't think you have any idea about a submarine and how it works. By your logic, a torpedo would corkscrew all over the ocean!
Now that being said, a submarine will sometimes ride like a cork in evern moderate seas when on the surface.
10/26/2008 3:33 PM
It's kinda new. It's pretty neat. If you don't know you don't need to know. I helped create the 2-day training for it when I was at SUBSCOL, so enjoy it if you go back.
10/26/2008 3:46 PM
A single-screw cylindrical shape moving underwater would tend to counterrotate due to the reaction torque from the screw. Most torpedoes have counterrotating screws to cancel out reaction torque. Other, less efficient methods to mitigate reaction torque might include massive gyroscopes (adds weight and space) or compensating with control surfaces (adds drag and may result in cavitation).
10/26/2008 6:56 PM
I think the smooth glass-like thing halfway up the front of the sail is the port navigation light.
The vent located on the aft part of the sail is probably the diesel exhaust.
10/26/2008 7:42 PM
...Most torpedoes have counterrotating screws to cancel out reaction torque.
That is correct regarding most torpedoes and it used to be called "pull round". I guess they thought that knuckle draggers couldn't understand "reaction torque."
However richg is still a dolt!
10/27/2008 4:16 AM
Come on Chief TM, don’t hold back. Tell us what you really feel.
That Damn Good Looking Aganger From Iowa
10/27/2008 7:59 AM
Corksrew through the water??? The boat's hydrostatic stability is sufficient to counter the drag (torque) from the screw. On the surface, stability is measured by GM (metacentric height). Submerged, it's BG. Check Principles of Naval Architecture for further info.
10/27/2008 9:12 AM
At least everyone finally recognizes that the reactor (and the water chemistry associated therein) are the most important parts of the boat. Screw the sail, sonar, &c.
10/27/2008 1:50 PM
Yep, subs go to sea to train the nucs for Orse, right? It has nothing to do with pushing the missile compartment around the ocean does it?
10/27/2008 3:47 PM
Yup, just a huge orse inspection platform, until just the other day I was unaware that there was anything forward of the mess deck on my boat. The stuff back aft on the virginia boats is actually really neat, almost star trekish. and no, crc doesnt matter, ask the guys on the hampton.
10/28/2008 5:22 PM
Does the Hampton still have the same crew?
10/29/2008 7:37 AM
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