Bubblehead's Vacation Rule #1
You can't go wrong if you start your vacation with the bare necessities: a semi-bitchin' rental car, cheap shades, and an old geezer ballcap:

Keeping the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines since late 2004... and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found. Idaho's first and foremost submarine blog. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me; don't call me at home.)
You can't go wrong if you start your vacation with the bare necessities: a semi-bitchin' rental car, cheap shades, and an old geezer ballcap:
posted by Bubblehead at 12:45 AM
I'm Joel Kennedy -- a married, 50-something year old retired submarine officer and esophageal cancer survivor with three kids who has finally made the transition to civilian life. Politically, I'm a Radical Moderate. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me. Don't call me at home.)
Ya look pretty spiffy there, Scooter :)
2/18/2007 6:01 PM
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