Keeping the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines since late 2004... and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found. Idaho's first and foremost submarine blog. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me; don't call me at home.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Angles And Dangles

Remember those 30 degree up and down angles, and how you'd never quite be able to lean over far enough to touch the floor while keeping an erect posture? And remember how crap would fly out of the damn'dest places after an upkeep? And remember how you never ever slid down some long straightaway on a grey blanket, like the Missile Compartment on a boomer or past the starboard side of Maneuvering in a 688? Ever wanted video proof that, yes, you did lean that far over? Check out these guys from what looks like a Trident (bad word warning!) doing a 29° up-angle:

Good times...

Update 0100 12 Sep: Here's another one -- not quite so dramatic -- that looks like it was taken in Crew's Mess on USS Alaska (SSBN 732).


Blogger cheezstake said...

Never slid down the Missile Compt?? One my shippies decided to do that on his third patrol. He made it from AMR2 all the way to tube 6 and then BLAM! Hit a sound mount and tore his are wide open!!!

9/12/2007 6:13 AM

Blogger F-ingBeaupre said...

My favorite was the RC Tunnel on the 688. Had to be careful, though, for the watertight door on downangles and the HPAC controllers for the upangles. I just about cleaned my clock one day on the damn #2 HPAC controller during a 25 degree up.
Or for the high-speed turns, back by the watermaker (we had the RO) was good for the port/starboard.
So was being in the rack...I almost died a few times while trying to sleep when we had the midshipmen on and off for a week.

9/12/2007 8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is not even close to nasty...
On a 2500 ton DE in the North Atlantic that would be a calm day.
Remember one time was walking down the passageway outside of the Doc office and we took a 50 degree roll, I had one foot planted on the bulkhead and one on the deck. If I had happend to look straight down I would have seen the bulkhead.
And yes that was close to tip over point. But at the time after enduring a few months of the North Atlantic, I seem to recall thinking to myself that it was a rather large roll.

9/12/2007 7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the Drum, we used to ride TDU bags down the middle level ops passageway during angles and dangles. Was pretty cool until you get to the bend in the passageway before the head when going forward. You can really pick up some speed!

9/13/2007 7:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on Drum from 77 – 80 and did my sliding down the middle level passageway and yes, if you weren’t careful you could straddle the post over the stairwell going down to the torpedo room.
On La Jolla and Chicago, we would grab a TDU bag and slide the passageway in middle level ops.
I really enjoyed being on the Dive for angles and dangles. It took a lot of finesse and skill to not over shoot the ordered depth.
Another thing I loved about angles is that it really made it easier to clean the AMR bilges. After soaping, washing and rinsing, we would call up to control and request a 3-5 up bubble so the water would drain to the aft bilge.

That Damn Good Looking Aganger From Iowa

9/13/2007 9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

USS Chopper still holds the angles and dangles record: 78 degrees down and 85 degrees up.

USS Barbel is believed to hold the submarine roll record at 55 degrees--the source of the warning about doing emergency blows at low speed.

No TDU bags are required at those angles.

9/13/2007 11:54 AM

Blogger girlfriday said...

This is a really funny post, mostly becaue I don't understand it.

9/13/2007 2:48 PM

Anonymous kamagra said...

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3/10/2011 9:29 AM

Anonymous cialis online said...

ey video was made it in a special plane, right? one that reproduce the zero gravity for some seconds, I hear a lot of this kind of plane, used to train new recruits and give them the chance to feel the effect of the zero gravity, before a real spacial flight.

11/22/2011 3:00 PM


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