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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

New Navy Submarine Recruiting Video

Here's a new submarine officer recruiting video the Navy put out last month:

In the news, here's a story about a "flying submarine" that DARPA is working on, and here's a story about the most advanced drug-running submarine yet found. While the drug-running sub is about 100 years behind what we're building, it's still a pretty impressive achievement.


Blogger Martan and Kyle said...

Impressive especially considering it was built in a jungle.

7/06/2010 9:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the many high depth of field zooms to his dolphins and ribbons??

7/07/2010 2:55 AM

Anonymous DavidB said...

The drug cartels can afford to do this because they have an essentially limitless supply of a high demand product, PLUS an essentially limitless supply of bodies who will do anything for money or thugery. AND they don't have to answer to a population that would complain about the mission OR mission losses. I mean, it ain't like they have anything even CLOSE to approaching SUBSAFE, right? They have unlimited resources when it comes to bodies they can put in this things and send north, and they care not a wit if a sub is lost with all hands.

7/07/2010 6:14 AM

Anonymous NHSparky said...

Pfft...I had more than that by the end of my first year on the boat. (Not two NAM's, mind you, but still...) And as far as the druggies running submersibles, well, it was only a matter of time, I suppose. What's the ROE regarding these guys if they're detected and identified?

7/07/2010 7:10 AM

Blogger Vigilis said...

Excellent comments and questions.

Anyone happen to know what happens to any of the JOs featured in the submarine recruiting vids BH has posted over the years?

Still on active duty, became DH's, etc?


Regarding the latest jungle sub, recall Homeland Security's programs to monitor materials and components potentially needed by terrorists? If we deduce that it applies to narco-terrorists, as well, the more sophisticated the vessel, the easier it should be to "discover". This one was not acidentally discovered in the jungle, either.


Finally, the lo-res illustration accompanying the flying sub story was as irritatingly vague as that fish-eye photo of the Eisenhower transiting the Suez. No doubt the intention of both was identical.

7/07/2010 12:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irritating, Vig? Try 30 years of "hurry up and wait".

7/07/2010 1:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vigilis said...
Excellent comments and questions.

Anyone happen to know what happens to any of the JOs featured in the submarine recruiting vids BH has posted over the years?

Still on active duty, became DH's, etc?

Matt Powell on this video.. Good guy. Think he signed a DH contract, but not quite at SOAC yet. Would gladly serve with him.

7/07/2010 4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

love his comments about the girls...what a bunch of crap

7/07/2010 4:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt here: Thanks Anonymous, and yes I did sign a contract and will be going back out as a DH.

7/07/2010 8:55 PM

Anonymous t said...

I'm kind of curious how these videos are produced. It's clearly not a straight question and answer thing, the people are reading off of "something" otherwise there'd be more um's, wells and likes as people searched for words. But I wonder if it's just reading of some submarine talking points or do the people have an opportunity to put their spin on the scenario.

Also, I'd expect that all of the people on these videos are DH returnee types. I don't think they really want the disgruntled getting out JO to do their recruitment videos, you know?

7/08/2010 1:03 AM

Anonymous PortTackStart said...

Also, I'd expect that all of the people on these videos are DH returnee types. I don't think they really want the disgruntled getting out JO to do their recruitment videos, you know?

DH returnee, non-disgruntled, and not overweight, standard PR stuff.

Not to turn this into another pro or con discussion, but any bets as to how long it will take before one is made with one of the females after they earn their fish? Navy Times will probably cover that ceremony, and I bet that production on a recruiting vid will commence fairly soon after (within a month).

7/08/2010 5:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to turn this into another pro or con discussion, but any bets as to how long it will take before one is made with one of the females after they earn their fish? Navy Times will probably cover that ceremony, and I bet that production on a recruiting vid will commence fairly soon after (within a month).

Ahhh, but will she get her fish tacked on?

7/08/2010 5:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ones that will have it made, and will avoid all of the early attention, not to mention have been around the Navy block a few times, will be the chops (wonder if anything will happen to that term); that's exactly why the first scandal will swirl around one of them. Now, what's the over/under on number of months? I'll go 30 months...

7/08/2010 10:20 PM

Anonymous tienda erotica fleshlight said...

So, I do not actually consider this may have success.

3/21/2012 4:42 AM


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