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Friday, September 17, 2010

Submarine Field Days

While we're waiting for the other shoe to drop with the Bangor CO firings, here's the newest viral video making its way through the Submarine Force; it looks like it's a rap done from the perspective of JOs:

My favorite line: "If the Dive need a head break, rack out the Chop..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasted 3:01 to listen to it, but no telling how long the aspiring artist wasted in putting together that crap.

9/17/2010 8:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would a JO know about field day? Field Day is for the dirty blue shirt not the special princess. That guy made it sound like he actually cleaned something. Pretty funny.

9/17/2010 9:38 AM

Blogger Bubblehead said...

I think it depends on the boat. I spent some time under the Drain Pump during field day when I was a JO.

9/17/2010 9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks JO’s don’t participate in field days has never spent much time supervising stewards as they polished the wardroom silver.

9/17/2010 10:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I spent some time under the Drain Pump during field day when I was a JO."

If your experience was not just during field days, it was probably your boat's way of dealing with dinqs.

9/17/2010 10:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duck directed that video, with mulligan on the vocals.
TI having a slizzurp

9/17/2010 11:58 AM

Anonymous BoomherChop said...

As a Chop, I resent that line...although it IS funny. On USTAFISH, it was actually "If the Chop needs a head break, rack out the COB." :-)

9/17/2010 2:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a few midwatches in the making.

9/17/2010 6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think it depends on the boat. I spent some time under the Drain Pump during field day when I was a JO".

I think that it depends more on the man than the boat. When you were under that Drain Pump, how many of the other JO’s were also helping?

You sound like a standup guy but I doubt that you were typical when it came to field day.

Re: Stewards; do O’s still have servants in this day and age? The archaic Navy caste system needs some serious review and I don’t mean replacing Filipinos with white guys.

The Army seems to have it figured out.

9/17/2010 10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current JO here. "Old Captain" had us do o-training during field day. Now we go clean with everyone else. Frankly i prefer it this way

9/18/2010 1:06 AM

Anonymous Tim said...

Yes the CS's are still servants. But it's in our job description. On my current boat the JO's clean their Head and staterooms during field day. On my last boat, not so much, I guess it depends on the CO/XO. However it is a double edged sword. I sometimes hear grumblings from crew members that "why are the officers shining their shitter why can't cooks can't do their job?" Sometimes you can't win.

9/18/2010 1:58 AM

Anonymous Tim said...

Yes the CS's are still servants. But it's in our job description. On my current boat the JO's clean their Head and staterooms during field day. On my last boat, not so much, I guess it depends on the CO/XO. However it is a double edged sword. I sometimes hear grumblings from crew members that "why are the officers shining their shitter why can't cooks can't do their job?" Sometimes you can't win.

9/18/2010 1:58 AM

Blogger John said...

I'm with anonymous @ 9/17/2010 8:41 AM on this one. Maybe it's my age showing but I just did not care for the song.
As for JO's field daying, maybe I was too busy cleaning to notice, but I can't remember seeing any of them cleaning when I was on the boats. John

9/18/2010 8:21 AM

Anonymous Current JO said...

ETCS(SS/SW) and anon - yes, you are showing your age. This video was funny regardless of what kind of music you personally prefer. Don't say they "wasted" their time.

But hey, maybe some of the retirees who have some time on their hands could make a new song - Tin Pan Alley style.

9/18/2010 9:17 AM

Blogger GA Niederhauser said...

Rest at ease old boys. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is still a duck. Just like me they hate field day, love midrats, and like to give the chop crap. Someday when they are retired and longing for the old days they'll reminisce about making this " little sea chanty".

9/18/2010 1:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

CS, how does that work today? Do all CS types take a turn cleaning up after the frat boys or is that a separate career path within the CS rating?

9/18/2010 2:55 PM

Blogger DDM said...

When I was HAWKBILL, we were on post-deployment standdown and the wife informed that she volunteered me to assist my children's school with Field Day. I blew a gasket until I found out we spent the day in a field playing different games.

9/19/2010 6:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're too busy cooking for a crew on a 24/7 basis. When are we to be allotted the time to wipe a JO's ass when we're not standing shark watch, cooking, securing stores and helping Doc with taking care of the hypochondriacs?

On a shore tour we only police the stateroom of an 06 and above. It takes roughly five minutes to complete said task per room. that's not a huge difficulty in life. This only happens if you're serving on an 06 or above's staff.

CS2(SS) Kally

9/19/2010 11:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, CS2, so what does a CS assigned to the wardroom actually do? Second, do all CS's on the boat take a turn or is it a designated billet?

I know what a SD used to do so I am wondering if that job is still the same today?

9/20/2010 9:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, CS2, so what does a CS assigned to the wardroom actually do?

I actually respected the CSs on my boat. I've seen them do the following to certain O gang prick's food: Spit lugey (sp?) into mashed potatoes, intentionally set eggs aside to cool after preparing to order, slap a prepared steak on the deck and drag it with their shoe prior to serving, piss on a sloppy joe bun, and other unmentionable acts. You should have seen the look of horror on the JO's face when I relayed the possibility to him of what could occur to food prepared outside the Wardroom if the individual ordering the food also happened to be a major a-hole.

9/21/2010 8:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that no one wants to discuss the whole officers and their servant’s thing. You would think that if it was such a great idea there would be folks defending their right to be waited on, etc. The fact that no one wants to talk about it is amusing.

Come on guys, tell us why you deserve this perk.

9/21/2010 9:28 AM

Anonymous Veto pen said...

What's to argue about? It's in their fucking job description.

But, that I think about would be an interesting world if we could all have a line-item veto for anything in our job decription.

Me: I'd strike the requirement that I have to work with low-brow enlisted scum whose idea of a great time is catching STDs in Olongapo City while screwing some she-male.

With my line-item veto, only intelligent, high GPA, college-educated people who didn't have a propensity to eat bugs or tongue-swap chewed up cookies just to gross out their shipmates would be allowed to work on subs.

And women, ah fact, at a ratio of 60 women to 40 men.

So, by all means...let's get that line-item veto thing going.

Or...we could all just do our fucking jobs while EARNING mutual respect. We might just have some control over that outcome.

9/21/2010 1:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next time a CS gets an award for simply doing their job (i.e. having ice cream available for the captain) and a nuke gets a pat on the back for saving a vital piece of equipment, remind me of the inequality of shipboard jobs.

I recognize the argument of servitude, but the fact of the matter is that everyone has a tough job on a submarine. No one cries that song for FSA's (PC for crank). The reason being that it is just the nature of the boat, when you are junior you will make other guys life better by helping on the mess decks. Everyone's tough existance somehow makes someone else's life better.

Oh yeah, and the song made me laugh!

9/21/2010 2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With my line-item veto, only intelligent, high GPA, college-educated people . . .

Ah yes, you're exactly the type of prima donna that I love to meet in the commercial nuke world.

9/21/2010 2:39 PM

Anonymous Veto pen said...

Thanks - I forgot to mention: my line-item veto would also exclude people from the University of Never Heard of It, either.

Also excluded: anyone whose highest, post-Navy career aspirations were to imitate Homer Simpson via working at some day-glow nuclear power plant in East Bumfuck.

9/21/2010 3:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks - I forgot to mention: my line-item veto would also exclude people from the University of Never Heard of It, either.

Also excluded: anyone whose highest, post-Navy career aspirations were to imitate Homer Simpson via working at some day-glow nuclear power plant in East Bumfuck.

I'm sure you've been served all sorts of delicacies in the Wardroom behind closed doors. heh heh heh If you only knew. What a tool.

9/21/2010 6:11 PM

Anonymous Veto pen said...

And you'll always be like the doorman on Seinfeld: "You think you're better than me, don't cha?"

What a loser.

9/21/2010 6:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Veto, enjoy that cock on a bun, cause just before it was passed into the Wardroom, that's what was on it.

9/21/2010 7:11 PM

Anonymous Veto pen said...

And what you don't know is that the little faggot that tries something like that will be caught on videotape, cell phone camera or just plain ratted out. Tough break...but there is no honor among you fag boys.

9/21/2010 7:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what you don't know is that the little faggot that tries something like that will be caught on videotape, cell phone camera or just plain ratted out.

Try? Are you kidding? It's already been done, and you're to damn naive and full of yourself to even realize it. Tool.

9/21/2010 7:35 PM

Anonymous Veto pen said...

Right. Let me guess: you were there, anonymous little fag boy, in all your courageous glory holing? Got proof...or just a lot of lip when you're hiding behind someone's skirt on the Internet?

9/21/2010 7:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, well if seeing it happen does not count as being there, then I guess it never really happens.

9/22/2010 5:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The song was funny.
The cooks took out our trash, did laundry, and during field day, cleaned the head. We cleaned our staterooms and 9 man. Noone enjoys cleaning the head but I don't think the 2 hours in a 5x10 space was spent cleaning non-stop... I've been in many a bilge. If you think JOs like "supervising" field day you're wrong. I for one, would rather clean than stand there saying, "you missed a spot..."

9/24/2010 3:47 AM

Anonymous Roseann said...

This cannot truly work, I believe so.

9/08/2012 12:43 PM


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