The Fleet Gets A New Sub Tomorrow

Staying at PD...
Update 0820 05 May: The Norwich Bulletin has a story on the upcoming commissioning at SuBase NLON, along with a Quicktime video of Hawaii getting underway for sea trials.
Update 1205 05 May: Here's a report on the just-completed ceremony from Newsday.
I'll be there! I'm so psyched. Even better, my son got his dolphins on their last at-sea, so Dad'll be extra proud to see him in his dress whites. :-)
5/04/2007 7:10 AM
Congrats! Enjoy your visit to the boat. I remember when my dad came to visit for commissioning of the Miami, my first boat. It really meant a lot to me to take him on a tour and show him what I do.
5/04/2007 10:03 AM
This is off the topic.....
There's a story linked to today's (May 4th) "The Sub Report" concerning MM1 (SS) Nathan Battle. According to the story, he is the Torpedo division LPO on the USS Michigan SSGN 727, and also the CSS19 Sailor of the Year. Congratulations Petty Officer Battle!!!
I'm wondering, however, why a Machinist's Mate First Class is the LPO of the Torpedo Division? In my day, TMs ran their division. Has this changed?
5/04/2007 11:06 AM
Submarine ratings have apparently been combined a bit since your day. QMs, ICs and ETs are now ET (NAV). RMs are now ET (COM). TMs are now MM (Weps) and agang is MM (Aux). The stuff in parenthesis are for job separation. The rumor I heard about why is cause they wanted to cut down the number of people eligible for submarine pay. Don't know how true it is, but it kinda makes sense.
5/04/2007 1:02 PM
At least they had the good sense not to combine any of the masculine ratings (i.e., MM) with any of the feminine ratings (i.e., ST).
After all, "we are the sonar girls, we wear our hair in curls."
5/04/2007 1:12 PM
I think the rating changes were driven more by how they are percieved by future civilian employers. Not a lot of folks out there want to hire a torpedoman. But a machinist is something they understand. Likewise, what good is a Radioman in the real world. But call him and electronics technician and he can do anything. Just perception.
5/04/2007 9:37 PM
I was MM1 Battle's divo on USS Seawolf back in the day. Shit hot sailor, glad to see he is continuing it. Now if only his rate could get opened up so he could make Chief.
5/08/2007 12:05 PM
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