Official Navy Web Site Re-Designed
Amid no fanfare, the Navy rolled out a completely re-designed official web site within the last couple of days. Being that it's the 21st century, it's not surprising that the website features an increased reliance on video on the front page. It's also not surprising that a curmudgeony old retiree like me doesn't like the redesign.
The main problem is that they've gotten rid of the good old Navy NewsStand, where I used to do my photo searches with just a couple of clicks. While you can still get new stories (like the new CNO's Navy Birthday message to the fleet) from the main page, it's now harder to search for photos. To find recent photos with thumbnails, I had to click on the "View Local Pages" link on the main page, and then select "Photos" from a pull-down menu to get my regular search. I'm like, "C'mon, I'm an old man! I shouldn't be expected to have to use a pull-down menu to get my submarine photos; it's not like I'm some YouTube-watching MySpacer who's been doing this stuff since infancy!"
Still, I expect that I'll eventually get used to the new style of the home page. I guess it all depends how the old retired Admirals react before we see if they go back to the old template.
Say it, brother! The new design sucks.
10/11/2007 7:40 AM
We're trying to get a leg up on the Air Force.
10/12/2007 7:59 AM
Click on the Daily News Update button and they have a 'USS Oklahoma Recreation' video story.
Should read 'USS Oklahoma City Recreation'. Goofball PAOs!
10/12/2007 11:09 AM
Looks like the same jack-asses that made the NKO website almost unable to use.
Our fine shipbuilding dollars at work.
10/12/2007 5:37 PM
Found the Photos. Go to "Media
Resources" on the horizontal
blue bar, near top of main
page. Now, pick "Photo Gallery"
(top of column, way over on the
left). Ta Da! There they are
and the search box is still
there. I bookmarked the page
as "Navy Newstand: Current
Photos". Hope this helps.
Cheers, Bill
10/12/2007 6:42 PM
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