Keeping the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines since late 2004... and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found. Idaho's first and foremost submarine blog. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me; don't call me at home.)

Friday, October 08, 2010

Your Very Own Submarine

It seems like more and more people are wanting their very own submarine these days, because let's face it -- submarines are just cool. Some stories about people building their own subs big enough to carry people can be found here, here, here, and here.

Have you ever thought about building your own submarine?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in an industry that is very bureaucratically constipated. This results in a lot of idle or wait time at work. So, I am designing my own submarine. I started with a Barbel class as the envelope, and am trying to apply the DARPA Tango Bravo requirements.
This is entirely a cross-disipline academic exercise for my own amusement.


10/08/2010 9:11 AM

Blogger Mike Golch said...

Thanks for the links,I enjoyed reading them.

10/08/2010 10:28 AM

Blogger wtfdnucsailor said...

I never had a personal sub of my own but the owner of the company I worked for did. I had to help the purchasing agent for the company order a crane for the back of his yacht to lift the sub in and out of the water. She did not understand torque and the lever effect and would have orderd an undersized crane that would have not been able to lift the sub or an oversized crane that would have swamped the mother yacht. I only saw the pictures, never got to see the sub in person.

10/08/2010 10:50 AM

Blogger HSNormal said...

I've thought about it from time to time, but typically I rest for a moment and the thought disappears.

10/08/2010 3:08 PM

Anonymous Below Decks Watch said...

circa 1994: one night during the midwatch, we sonarmen discussed getting our own submarine and running drugs for the Columbian drug cartel.
12 - 15 years later, the Columbians stole our idea.

10/08/2010 5:28 PM

Blogger AB- said...

@ Belowdecks Watch - We had the same conversations in EVERY shack. We figured a few semi-sober A-Gangers and a couple semi-straight Nav ET's / QMs along with a few from the weaps dept could take out the topside watch and get a pig boat from some Central / South American country out to sea before they even knew what hit them. The difficult thing we could never come up with was where to put the secret island James Bond style sub base where we would R & R between drug runs.

10/13/2010 1:37 PM

Anonymous гид в барселоне said...

Quite helpful piece of writing, thank you for this article.

10/18/2011 2:01 AM

Anonymous Jeanne said...

The dude is completely just, and there is no suspicion.

9/01/2012 4:43 AM


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