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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Russian Boomer T-Boned, Drunks Blamed

From RIA Novosti:
A Russian strategic submarine received light damage to its outer hull when a fishing vessel rammed into it early on Thursday, a Pacific Fleet source said. "The Donets fishing ship was maneuvering to avoid collision with the Kormchy fishing boat and did not notice the St. George the Victor nuclear-powered submarine anchored near the Avacha Bay," the source said. "As a result, the submarine received insignificant damage to its outer hull," he said, adding that the sub was undergoing repairs at a dock in Vilyuchinsk. The submarine's nuclear reactor was not damaged. A preliminary investigation suggests that the crew of the Donets fishing vessel is to blame for the collision, as they were reportedly drunk and ignored radio and warning signals.
The article goes on to say that the submarine victimized by the drunk fishermen was RFS St. George the Victor (K 433), a 31 year old Delta III that gets out more than you'd think; it allegedly successfully conducted a test launch last year.

What's the most damage that's ever been done to your boat by the actions of drunk seamen?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/22/2011 3:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most damage avoided to self-esteem and the periscope well was choking back a well-needed puke down the well after getting underway from Naples after a hard night.

Folks said I was green. I have no doubt of it. Still can't believe I didn't blow chunks. Worst. Hangover. Ever.

9/22/2011 4:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anyone else see this?

When did scientists start playing with actual neutrino detection? That could'problematic.'

9/22/2011 4:09 PM

Blogger Bubblehead said...

I saw that. Neutrino detectors for the foreseeable future are too large to be easily portable, and anyway I don't think you could differentiate between reactor neutrinos and solar ones. Re: the article itself, I'm guessing that if the measurements are valid, we'll eventually figure out that the maximum speed of light is actually a little higher than we think it is (perhaps through some unknown medium through which light travels faster than vacuum), so the basic theory remains intact.

9/22/2011 4:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This brings back to mind that experiment/demonstration done a while back where a scientist played Mozart via FTL (faster-than-light) means.

Did the Google thing, and here it is on Wikipedia.

Turns out it was 4.7 times faster.

Gotta love a good physics story.

As regards the neutrino detection thing, can't help but wonder if sub neutrinos are of a different type than the sun (see article), but also and more practically if there's a way to detect/measure the angle of incidence. Get that, and a smaller detector, and you've got yourself a naval revolution on your hands.

9/22/2011 5:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not really damage to the boat, but...

During a Subic port visit, our CO came back to the boat one night pretty wasted and had a hot looking filipina with him. He took her down to his SR and definately did some damage to her. We could hear him knocking the bottom out that.

Anyway, I was the off-going POOD and he asked me to get her to the main gate and back out in town. She definately looked "rough". The CO must have not drained himself in a while (and if you ever saw his wife....).

Just another day on WESTPAC! Ahhh, the 80's...back when Sailors were allowed to be Sailors!

9/22/2011 9:15 PM

Anonymous NHSparky said...

Hmmmm...1980's...PI...CO...I've got a couple boats in mind here.

And worst damage I ever saw was a guy gashed his head open coming down the forward escape trunk. Damn head wounds can bleed.

9/23/2011 8:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I was concieved by a drunk seamen.

9/23/2011 9:01 AM

Blogger Vigilis said...

The phony neutrino light-speed 'news' is more than suspiciously timed. CERN's announcement was made the day AFTER it had been sensationalized all over the press.

CERN has been trying to find the source of a small velocity error (20 PPM) for months. Could it be a minor vacuum leak again?

More at Molten Eagle "Big Question this Week". If the timeline does not make you think, oh well, lets hope you are not an RO on the mainland.

9/23/2011 12:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be a conspiracy to bring in more Naval Academy scientists.

9/23/2011 1:53 PM

Blogger Srvd_SSN_CO said...

There is an interesting thesis by a UofH Prof that you can find on line that describes using a network of neutrino detectors. I don't recall the mechanism for determining background vs reactors, but if the guys at CERN (and elsewhere) can detect them, I suppose it is possible.

I would love to know how CERN proved the neutrinos they sent, which are way, way fewer than background, were the ones detected.

All this said, I'm not ready to give up my day job.

9/23/2011 3:38 PM

Blogger Srvd_SSN_CO said...

as for drunks and the ship, just the occasional mess to clean up. Never been hit at sea by a drunk driver.

9/23/2011 3:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The neutrinos from the sun come in all 3 flavors (electron, muon, tau) and oscillate (change type) during the journey. There is a good Nova program on this called the Ghost particle.

9/23/2011 8:24 PM

Anonymous radman said...

I got out of the Navy in '88 and got a job as a contractor on a Navy base in Idaho. They do large scale submarine design work there. We were working on the Seawolf class propulsion units at the time, and we ran the models in the middle of the night in a very deep lake. We were getting ready to run the boat at about 0200. The lake is a popular recreational boating spot, and we were trying to get the boaters to move out of the operating area and shut down when we were taking sound cuts. Two very drunk guys and a woman would have none of it; they refused to shut down, and were quite abusive when we tried to come alongside and talk to them. They just ran up and down the lake for three solid hours. We couldn't release the model until it was quiet on the lake, so we had to wait them out; the runs weren't finished until about 0600. An 18 hour day courtesy of some drunk a**holes. I wanted to drive up alongside them and say "if you want a 150 ton suppository, keep dong what you're doing" but they wouldn't let me. Oh well, the overtime pay was nice.

9/23/2011 10:58 PM

Anonymous ex-ET nuc said...

Pulling into San Fran for fleet week '95 I think. We were coming in on 1 ME and speed restricted (made the transit throught he potato patch a little rough), we had cleared the Golden Gate and just sent linehandlers topside.

About that time, here comes this rather large sailboat (~40 footer) bow on to our STBD beam. OOD tries to contact him through BTB, getting no response other than "I'm under sail, YOU give way!", when the nearby CG escort comes screaming in and nudges the guy around about 50yds from a collision. There were several drunk folks on the deck, and they guy at the helm had an open beer in his cup holder. CG guys jumpede aboard and dropped sail, and towed him to the nearest dock. I later found out that the guy was arrested and his boat seized.

Collision probably wouldn't have hurt us much, but most likely would have sunk the sailboat.

9/24/2011 12:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked as Harbor Dispatch in the early 90's in the signal tower in Pearl Harbor. Working the swing shift when a civilian tugboat pushing a barge working on the new causeway between Ford Island and mainside was exiting the harbor for Honolulu harbor announced there was a day sailboat moored to one of the channel buoys and its rudder was broken. I had a tanker scheduled to put to sea from the supply base enroute to Midway (back when we still staffed it). I asked the tugmaster to advise the sailboat to remain moored to the buoy and I would send help. The tug passed the word and proceeded on its way. There was a CG buoy tender moored on the north side of Ford Island and I tried the BTB and got no response. I tried fleet secure, got no response. About that time, the tanker got underway with a harbor pilot and a tug following. I advised the pilot of a day sailboat moored to a channel buoy. The pilot then directed the tug ahead to check on the status of the sailboat. 5 minutes later, the tug announces the sailboat was trying to get to Iroqios Pt Marina where there was a miltary housing boat ramp. So the boat was flailing around in the middle of the channel so I asked the tanker to make minimum steerage. All Naval vessels were forbidden from towing private craft. I called a seal team to see if they could assist somehow and they went roaring down the channel in their zodiac. About that time, the NAVSTA CDO stated not to use Naval equipment to render assistance. The Ops Commander who was listening on his radio at his residence called me and said use whatever means necessary to get that sailboat out of the way. So I radioed a workboat that had showed up to get a line over and move it out of the way. The CDO went ballistic until I could get a word in edgewise. The sailboat operator was blind drunk. Two minutes separated the tanker and the boat from a sure fatal collision.

Another potential hazard was when a barge involved dredging the turning basin near Ford Island radioed me and stated to look at what he pulled up. I got the Big Eyes and was startled to see an unexploded Japanese aerial torpedo lying on the deck of the barge. So I put HERO restrictions in effect and secured the harbor until EOD could deal with the weapon. CINCPACFLT, MIDPAC, SURFPAC and every other PAC called to whine about one thing or other. Especially the CDO of CINCPACFLT crying that the Admiral was supposed to get under way with his barge to tour the harbor with some DV's. Tango Sierra. They kept calling for permission to get under way and I kept denying it. The Arizona memorial wanted the torpedo. EOD ended up taking the weapon out to sea where they detonated it.

9/24/2011 1:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was aboard the Tunny and we were in the PH channel heading to Subase when we did an all stop just a little north of HP. CO came down from the bridge with binoculars and were each looked at the Jap torpedo hanging there in the clasws of the dredging bucket.
We were there fop quite a while before we were allowed to proceed and moor.


9/25/2011 1:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many think this was scripted? SSN-21 sailors on Letterman Top Ten Reasons I'm Proud to Be in the United States Navy ... Still one or two of them can act.

R Duncan

9/25/2011 11:17 PM

Anonymous MM1/SS said...

Let us not forget about the phantom pisser in aft crews berthing.

9/26/2011 7:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...phantom pisser in aft crews berthing"

This has been discussed in other TSSP posts involving lengthy watches with inadequate 'relief'.

Some nuclear crew just don't subscribe to the 'piss in a can' technique. Also, either elimination receptecle is more often due to caffeine than alcohol.

Once we women come aboard this nonsense will end.


9/26/2011 11:49 AM

Anonymous 4-Stop said...

I can't wait to see the uh-um Female Nukes try and use a funnel back aft for an emergency head call.

9/26/2011 6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the uh-um Female Nukes try and use a funnel back aft for an emergency head call.

Or a portable sanitary tank.

9/26/2011 6:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The girls will just need a bigger funnel...

9/26/2011 7:49 PM

Anonymous T said...


I would point out that 1) If by "some nuclear crews" you mean skimmers, submarines, on the whole, AFAIK have at nuclear records at least equal to the quality of nuclear crews on Surface ships, despite having a far smaller, and more junior, crew. So, perhaps, willingness to pee in a funnel is not a good indicator of sailor quality. Just like, "how good one looks in uniform" is a poor indicator.
2) It sucks to wake somebody up at 3 in the morning to "go pee pee". It happens, but you kinda try to keep it to a minimum if possible... On submarines everybody participates in fire drills, we don't lock ourselves in our state/bunk rooms...

P.S. I realize this is most likely a troll... but it's getting boring here. Not enough discussion about long gay cock and the failure of civilization due to the addition of women to subs.

Also, how bout them retirement changes?!

9/26/2011 9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can't wait to see the uh-um Female Nukes try and use a funnel back aft for an emergency head call."

Or worse...a "lady" that can use the funnel!

9/26/2011 9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

STSCS: Now that's a thriller. I'll bet everyone aboard was on pins and needles until that weapon was secured.

9/26/2011 10:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1977, XO walking through aft machine shop heading for the launch got jumped by a couple of drunk tender sailors on the Holland in Holly Loch. Mast handed down a small fine and only two weeks confinement. I’m sure the XO was pissed at Holland’s CO.

9/26/2011 10:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

XO "got jumped by a couple of drunk tender sailors"

This kind of statement often results from hearsay. It begs so many key facts as to be obviously incomplete and probably misleading.

Nevertheless, I don't doubt it.

Mendel Blue

9/27/2011 12:47 AM

Anonymous affordable seo said...

I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.

9/27/2011 4:53 AM

Anonymous JPM said...

Most damage by a drunk sailor to a sub?
Drunk Duty Chief burned up the Trim Pump while shifting ballast...he had both the suction and discharge shut and ran it up to full rpms. He had no idea why the tank levels weren't changing until "Fire in the AMR" was called away.
Only Mast I personally know of that resulted in RIR from frocked E-7 down to E-5. Boom, sir!

9/27/2011 11:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mustard. Cornflakes. Everywhere. Urine on the mooring lines, urine on the ship's bell. Welcome to Toulon, France. Home of the best smashed sandwiches on earth.

10/07/2011 4:57 AM

Anonymous Nike free run said...

I was concieved by a drunk seamen.

11/10/2011 10:56 AM


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