Coolest. Guy Gadget. Ever.
I got the kewlest new gadget from the company store today for $18. Here it is:
I know what you're thinking -- "A pen? That's not so cool." But wait... there's more. In addition to being a pen, it also has a laser pointer on the other side. As you know, a laser is probably the best cat toy ever:
But this gadget is more than just an ink pen/laser pointer. Because if you open it up, it contains -- a 128MB USB Flash Drive!
This thing totally rocks. Alright, I'll admit it might not be the coolestgadget ever, but it definitely sets the bar for kewl-to-cost ratio. You can just imagine it in use -- you're getting ready to give a presentation, so you pull out your pen, take out the Flash Drive, plug it into the computer, then put your pen back together. Now, you've got your laser pointer available to wow the crowd while your trusty thumb drive is throwin' down your Power Point.

I can't wait until someone comes up with a way to put a mini-GPS receiver section into these things...
I agree--I have a laser light toy for my cat as well (the only exercise that the fat *ss gets all day).
Man, gotta get one in the shape of a pen, though!
2/22/2006 5:56 AM
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