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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Send Her Where She's Wanted

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted against a resolution supporting a bid to move the historic battleship Iowa to the city as a floating museum. The proposed move, strongly backed by former SF mayor Sen. Feinstein, now is in serious jeopardy. And what are some of the reasons the Supervisors gave for voting against the resolution?

"Supervisors said their rejection of the Iowa resolution stemmed from a variety of factors. Some criticized the military's "don't ask, don't tell'' policy against service by gays and lesbians. "Others said San Francisco, a bastion of anti-war sentiment, doesn't want another military museum. Lukewarm support from Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Port of San Francisco left them worried the city might be getting into a financial hole it can't afford.
"Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin, who voted against the resolution, reacted to Feinstein's criticism by saying, "She's entitled to her opinions. But I don't think they reflect the sentiments of a majority of San Franciscans ... (who) don't want to see a warship docked here.''

..."Supervisor Bevan Dufty, who is gay, said the military's policy on gays and lesbians influenced his vote and that of Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who also is gay, against a battleship Iowa museum for San Francisco.
"For Tom and I it's very difficult to advocate for some military honor thing when people are being harassed and even killed and are unable to serve in the military because they are gay and lesbian,'' Dufty said."

What the hell does that mean? "Some military honor thing"? I could go on about how stupid this comment is, but Gryphmon does it a lot better than I could:

"I'm sorry, but I will not ever visit a place where the US military is not welcome.
"San Francisco has gotten so insular and cut off from reality that it has gotten loonier than Colorado Springs did after its takeover by the theocrats.
"Look, the military and I have obvious deep disagreements. But the fact is that it's not the pacifists, or even the gay activists, who have provided freedom for Americans, and yes, even Gay Americans. It was those that were willing to die to protect it. That means they get my respect. (Of course, I still reserve the right to bitch). Hell, I might even have had relatives serve on the Iowa, like my great Uncle Cliffy, a Marine in WWII.

"Men died on the Iowa in so I could sit here at my computer and slur the Government, without fear of a knock at the door in the night. To treat our military, or even a symbol of it so shabbily is shameful. It also displays a disgusting lack of knowledge about both the military and of gay history, of which the Iowa is a part of."

Now, I love California, and enjoyed visiting the Bay area, but this sort of idiotic grandstanding by people who apparently have no understanding of the history between the US Navy and San Francisco makes me sick. Let the Iowa go somewhere that she's wanted.

Going deep...


Blogger Lubber's Line said...

A bunch of self-absorbed clowns, no matter what the topic it’s always about their political axe to grind. These professional victims never seem to care about the sacrifice of others for the principles and freedoms they enjoy.

Besides, You would think that they would the first community to admire a bunch to erect 16 inchers pointing skyward.

7/14/2005 9:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 70's and 80's things were quite different in the bay area. I graduated from a high school where most of the students had parents who were service related, whether retired or active. We were proud once, but since the closures of the bases and the influx of "others" who do not have the same pride, its just not the same.

7/15/2005 12:06 AM

Blogger Vigilis said...

When it comes to tourism, I have noted over-concentrations of the least desirable elements seem to thrive in each of the 'best' places. My observations have not been limited to indigenous insects, reptiles or geologically active features.

7/15/2005 2:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

8 inchers.

7/15/2005 8:46 AM

Blogger G-Man said...

I wish I could live 2 live times. I would work and succeed being a major player in the San Francisco government. I grew up in the bay area and this makes me sick that we have these gay and liberal goverment heads in charge in San Francisco. Eventually the Iowa might me docked in San Francisco when the gay and liberal government is out of office. Attention: to bay area gays. US Navy and military has maintained your freedom and ability to be alive and be a citizen of the US. You spit on the military never the less. Get your priorities in order or be considered a fool.

David Guettler

7/18/2005 11:00 AM


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