Keeping the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines since late 2004... and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found. Idaho's first and foremost submarine blog. (If you don't like something on this blog, please E-mail me; don't call me at home.)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

In Memory Of Mike And Tom

From the video description of this tribute by poster "Grunt Labor" to the Submariners lost aboard USS Minneapolis-St. Paul (SSN 708) 5 years ago today: "My video memorial/tribute to Thomas Higgins and Mike Holtz, who were killed in the line of duty during a pilot transfer off the coast of Plymouth, England."

Sailors, Rest Your Oars.


Blogger Ret ANAV said...

Thanks, Joel.

12/29/2011 4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord God, our power evermore, Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor,
Dive with our men beneath the sea; Traverse the depths protectively. O hear us when we pray, and keep Them safe from peril in the deep.

12/29/2011 6:28 PM

Anonymous Dardar the Submarian said...

I lost a few shipmates over the years, but none to the sea. Stuff like falling asleep at the wheel or wrong place, wrong time during a robbery - that sorta thing.

No death should be taken lightly - not even 5 years later.

Thanks Joel, for the tribute.

12/30/2011 10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ST2(SS) Mike HOLTZ was the father of my great-grandson, Kyle Michael BALDWIN. The family and I are doing all in our power to keep young Kyle aware of everything his Daddy stood for, and he is turning out to be the fine young man his Daddy would have found much pride in. His school work is exemplary, and he is sharp as a carpet tack, surely evidence of the excellent genes he inherited from his father! He treasures the USN mementos we have provided him, especially his MSP cover, dolphins, and tee shirt. Fair winds, shipmate!

12/30/2011 6:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Chief Higgins on the Tinosa in the early 80's??

12/31/2011 7:12 AM

Anonymous SubTroll said...

Rest in Peace Brothers

12/31/2011 8:22 PM

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Russian is notable for its distinction based on palatalization of most of the consonants. While /k/, /ɡ/, /x/ do have palatalized allophones [kʲ, ɡʲ, xʲ], only /kʲ/ might be considered a phoneme, though it is marginal and generally not considered distinctive (the only native minimal pair which argues for /kʲ/ to be a separate phoneme is "это ткёт" (/ˈɛtə tkʲot/, "it weaves")/"этот кот" (/ˈɛtət kot/, "this cat")).

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This action was unrecognized by George III of the United Kingdom who was also the Elector of Hanover who had also lost his German territories around Hanover to Napoleon. The English claims were settled by the creation of the Kingdom of Hanover which was held by George's British heirs until Queen Victoria's ascension, after which point it split into the British and Hanoverian royal families.
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It provided a good combination of performance and speed; reciprocating engines by themselves were not powerful enough to propel an Olympic-class liner at the desired speeds, while turbines were sufficiently powerful but caused uncomfortable vibrations, a problem that affected the all-turbine Cunard liners Lusitania and Mauretania.[24] By combining reciprocating engines with a turbine, fuel usage could be reduced and motive power increased, while using the same amount of steam.
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4/15/2012 2:26 PM

Blogger yeu_yeu said...

There are suggestions[5], based on an account in Livre de Canonerie published in 1561 and reproduced in Revue d'Artillerie of March 1908, that indirect fire was used by the Burgundians in the 16th Century. The Russians seem to have used something similar at Paltsig in 1759 where they fired over trees, and their instructions of the time indicate this was a normal practice[6]. These methods probably involved an aiming point positioned in line with the target.

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4/18/2012 5:26 PM

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Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin; it contains thirty-eight mountains forming an east-west spine which have at one time or another been active volcanoes. The highest volcano in Java is Mount Semeru (3,676 m). The most active volcano in Java and also in Indonesia is Mount Merapi (2,968 m). See Volcanoes of Java.
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Various Vietnamese opposition movements to French rule existed during this period, such as the Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang who staged the failed Yen Bai mutiny in 1930, but none were ultimately as successful as the Viet Minh common front, which was founded in 1941, controlled by the Indochinese Communist Party, and funded by the U.S. and the Chinese Nationalist Party in its fight against Japanese occupation.
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The first recorded formal relations of Egypt with foreign countries were under Amenhotep III. Under his reign, Egypt enjoyed an economic boom. He built many temples and monuments across Egypt to honor his favorite deity, Sobek, who was always depicted as a crocodile. Some records of his relations were included in the el Amarna letters many of which were scattered before they could be protected properly.
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It is the only ancient Egyptian city which preserves great details of its internal plan, in large part because the city was abandoned after the death of Akhenaten. The city seems to have remained active for a decade or so after his death, and a shrine to Horemheb indicates that it was at least partially occupied at the beginning of his reign,
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On 28 July, the conflict opened with the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia,[12][13] followed by the German invasion of Belgium, Luxembourg and France; and a Russian attack against Germany. After the German march on Paris was brought to a halt, the Western Front settled into a static battle of attrition with a trench line that changed little until 1917.
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Blogger yeu_yeu said...

After the onset of the Second World War in 1939, the terms World War I or the First World War became standard, with British and Canadian historians favouring the First World War, and Americans World War I. The notion that the "World War" was merely the first in a series was not a new idea at the time, however; it was first introduced in September 1914 by German philosopher Ernst Haeckel, who claimed that "there is no doubt that the course and character of the feared 'European War' .
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4/25/2012 11:50 AM

Blogger aloalo said...

Germany began the war by targeting its chief rival, France. Germany saw France as its principal danger on the European continent as it could mobilize much faster than Russia and bordered Germany's industrial core in the Rhineland. Unlike Britain and Russia, the French entered the war mainly for revenge against Germany, in particular for France's loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1871. The German high command knew that France would muster its forces to go into Alsace-Lorraine.
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The allowances and privileges of the members: Assembly members receive a salary of 7,043.69 euros per month (USD 10,389.49). There is also the "compensation representing official expenses" ("IRFM" – indemnité représentative de frais de mandat) of 5 867,39 euros per month (USD 8,654.44) to pay costs related to the office, and finally a total of 8 949 euros per month (USD 11,884.07) to pay up to 5 employees.
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4/29/2012 1:12 PM

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The emergence in 1501 of the Safavid dynasty,[4] which promoted Twelver Shia Islam[27] as the official religion of their empire, marked one of the most important turning points in Iranian and Muslim history.[28] The Persian Constitutional Revolution established the nation's first parliament in 1906, within a constitutional monarchy. In 1953 Iran became an authoritarian regime, following a coup d'état instigated by the UK and US. Growing dissent with foreign influence culminated during the Iranian Revolution which led to establishment of an Islamic republic on 1 April 1979.
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Sikh nobles - continued in the Mughal pattern under Sikh rule. The Sikh court continued to endow religious architecture in the city, including a number of Sikh gurdwaras, Hindu temples, and mosques. In short, the decaying structures and architecture of Lahore was restored by the emperor. The Empire of the Sikhs was most exceptional in that it allowed men from religions other than their own to rise to commanding positions of authority. Besides the Sikh, Muslim and the Hindu feature as prominent administrators. The Christians formed a part of the militia of the Sikhs.
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If the Government of India needed to enact new laws, the Councils Act allowed for a Legislative Council—an expansion of the Executive Council by up to twelve additional members, each appointed to a two-year term—with half the members consisting of British officials of the government (termed official) and allowed to vote, and the other half, comprising Indians and domiciled Britons in India (termed non-official) and serving only in an advisory capacity.[16] All laws enacted by Legislative Councils in India, whether by the Imperial
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During the 1930s, slow legislative reform was enacted by the British; the Indian National Congress won victories in the resulting elections.[94] The next decade was beset with crises: Indian participation in World War II, the Congress's final push for non-cooperation, and an upsurge of Muslim nationalism. All were capped by the advent of independence in 1947, but tempered by the bloody partition of the subcontinent into two states: India and Pakistan
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5/05/2012 8:53 AM

Blogger aloalo said...

the beginning of its season, but later episodes failed to attract a substantial number of viewers. Fox canceled the show at the end of its first and only season. In 2006, Warner Home Video released a DVD set containing all 27 episodes, which was anticipated by fans and critics. The series has been remembered fondly by critics, who praise its humor and unique blend of genres.
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5/07/2012 9:40 AM

Blogger aloalo said...

Further desertions of John's local allies at the beginning of 1203 steadily reduced John's freedom to manoeuvre in the region.[67] He attempted to convince Pope Innocent III to intervene in the conflict, but Innocent's efforts were unsuccessful.[67] As the situation became worse for John, he appears to have decided to have Arthur killed, with the aim of removing his potential rival and of undermining the rebel movement in Brittany.[67] Arthur had initially been imprisoned at Falaise and was then moved to Rouen.
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5/08/2012 4:35 AM

Anonymous STS2/SS said...

Thank you Joel for the moving tribute. I was a friend and shipmate and seadad to Mike, and I remember when he was a NUB, and the pride I felt when he got his dolphins.

5/24/2012 11:08 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

who were killed in the line of duty during a pilot transfer off the coast of Plymouth,
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